Credential Populations
Cal Poly Pomona’s credential programs will prepare you for the challenges of diverse classrooms and assist you to become teacher leaders within your school and community. Our programs are fully accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet state teacher preparation standards. Our programs prepare you to meet the Teaching Performance Expectations and apply student-centered approaches to equip your students for success. Each pathway has unique specific admissions, financial aid, and enrollment considerations—all detailed below.
This is not an available option.
Due to the differing structures of the Teaching Credential Programs (State Support) and the degree programs offered through the College of Professional and Global Education (Self-Support), students are not able to enroll concurrently.
You must first complete your Teaching Credential program, and then apply for admission to the graduate degree program administered through CPGE.
This is not an available option.
Due to the differing structures of the Teaching Credential Programs (State Support) and the degree programs offered through the College of Professional and Global Education (Self-Support), students are not able to enroll in these programs concurrently.
You must first complete your Master’s Degree through CPGE, and then apply for admission to the Teaching Credential program.