Graduate Studies

Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the 2018-2019 Paula Sandoval Recipients

Our two scholarship recipients are graduate students Antonio Anfiteatro and Connie Elick. Our recipients were recognized for their perseverance to get to and through graduate school at our 2019 Graduate Students Welcome Event.

Antonio Anfiteatro accepting scholarship
Antonio Anfiteatro accepting the Paula Sandoval Graduate Scholarship at Graduate Student Welcome Event .


Connie Elick accepting scholarship
Connie Elick accepting the Paula Sandoval Graduate Scholarship at Graduate Student Welcome Event .


About the Recipients

Antonio Anfiteatro is obtaining his master’s degree in Architecture. His professional goals are to continue his career in education while operating his own design-build firm emphasizing regenerative practices to help combat the damages that humans have inflicted on this planet by providing affordable housing and civic projects that are in tune with nature.

Connie Elick is a candidate for M.S. Agriculture, with an option in Nutrition & Food Science. Connie Elick’s professional goals are to apply for a Dietetic Internship to become a registered Dietitian, as well as teach health, wellness, and nutrition related classes at the college level.

Antonio and Connie hold there scholarships
The Paula sandoval Graduate Scholorship Recipents Antonio Anfiteatro and Connie Elick.


Previous Paula Sandoval Recipients: