Graduate Studies

Mission and Vision


The Graduate Studies Program is an integral part of the University. Its mission is to advance the research, creative and scholarly work in all disciplines and to foster the intellectual and personal development of post-baccalaureate students and enhance their ability to contribute to their professions and communities.


The Graduate Studies Program will be recognized for its academic excellence and for its contributions to the academic community, the University, the region, the nation, and the world. The post baccalaureate programs will develop new theoretical and empirical knowledge and design innovative methods and technologies to discover and disseminate that knowledge. Graduates of the programs will have the knowledge and skills to make contributions to their discipline and to meet the needs of the society. 

Institutional Learning Goals

CPP’s inclusive polytechnic education prepares students for a life of learning, contributing to their communities, and personal and professional success. CPP graduates will possess knowledge and abilities reflective of the eight elements of an inclusive polytechnic education. These elements serve as learning goals for our curricular and co-curricular learning activities. Student learning outcomes across the university, including in academic programs, general education, and student affairs programming are written to align with these goals.

Graduate Studies Office Mission

The Graduate Studies Office (GSO), provides leadership to graduate programs, overseeing the support and academic integrity of these programs. We are committed to advancing graduate students’ current and future academic success and providing services in a professional and courteous manner.