Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies Forms

Purpose of the Form:

  • The program of study (master's contract) outlines a list of courses the student must take to complete their master's degree requirements. Students must submit their program of study by the 6th week of the second semester after being admitted. Students can contact their advisor/coordinator with questions on the program of study. PolyDoc works best with Chrome or Firefox web browsers.

Program of Study (Master's Contract) (Online Form)

PolyDoc Program of Study-User Guide for Graduate Students (pdf)

PolyDoc Program of Study-User Guide for Approvers (pdf)

Purpose of the Form:

  • This report certifies that a graduate student has completed all components of the Culminating Experience for the designated degree as specified in the University Catalog.
  • This form is filed electronically by the project, thesis, or dissertation committee chair or the designated faculty member certifying completion of the culminating experience and maintained by the Registrar’s Office as part of the student’s permanent file.

User guide for filing the report electronically (pdf)

Report of Culminating Experience (Online Form)

Purpose of the Form:

  • Graduate Students fill out this form through PolyDoc to request a change of status, a modification to program of study or curriculum, transfer coursework for degree credit, or waive residency requirement. 

Graduate Academic Petition Link (PolyDoc)

Gradute Academic Petition Student User Guide (pdf)

Graduate Academic Petition Approver User Guide (pdf)

Purpose of the Form:

Continuing graduate students must file this form to:

  • Change one major field to another for the Master’s Degree (state-support to state-support program OR self-support to self-support program);
  • Change a certificate/credential objective to a Master’s degree objective (to a state-support program); or
  • Adding a state-support Master’s Degree to a credential program.

Please note:  Students in a state-support master’s program who want to request to change to a CEU self-support master’s program and vice versa must submit a new graduate admissions application.  ONLY students going from a state-support to another state-support and from a self-support to another self-support master’s program may use the petition to change or add graduate degree objectives.

Petition to Change/Add Graduate Degree Objective

Purpose of the Form:

  Undergraduate Students file this petition to request to receive graduate credit in upper division and 5000-level courses.

Request by an Undergraduate for Graduate Credit (pdf)

GPA Projection Activity Sheet (pdf)

University Forms

Purpose of Form:
The Leave of Absence petition can be used to request an absence of no more than four consecutive terms, excluding summer and winter terms.

  • Candidates must be enrolled in the University during the semester in which they graduate. Students must submit a graduation application through Bronco Direct by the appropriate deadline. Please visit the Registrar’s website for deadline dates and instructions on how to apply for graduation and pay for graduation fees online. The application is valid only for the semester for which it is submitted. Students failing to submit their application by the appropriate deadline may be required to graduate in a future semester.
  • Questions about the degree progress report should be directed to the student's Transfer and Graduation Advisor (TGA).
  • Applying for Graduation