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Transfer Students

CPP Eligibility

Transfer Requirements

CPP Eligibility

Transfers must meet the minimum California State University eligibility requirements listed below as the first step in being considered for admission. In addition to these requirements, Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) has implemented a multifactor admissions (MFA) evaluation process to evaluate transfer applicants. Fall applicants must have requirements completed by the end of the Spring term and Spring applicants must have requirements completed by the end of the Summer term. Cal Poly Pomona does not accept applicants seeking a second bachelor's degree.

Transfer Requirements

  • Cal Poly Pomona requires all transfers to complete the following:

    • Be in good academic standing at the last institutions attended
    • Have a minimum 2.00 GPA in transferable coursework
    • Have a minimum of 60 transferable semester (90 quarter) units
      • 30 (45 quarter) of the 60 semester units must be in General Education
      • Completion of the "Golden Four" courses (A1, A2, A3, and B4) with a C- or higher

    Impacted majors may have required coursework that must completed with a "C" or higher.

    Fall applicants must have requirements completed by the end of the Spring term and Spring applicants must have requirements completed by the end of the Summer term.

    Please note, Cal Poly Pomona does not accept applicants who are seeking a 2nd Bachelor's degree. We encourage applicants to consider a Graduate degree.

  •  A1: Oral Communication - A basic public speaking course or other communication course. Must be completed with a "C-" or higher.
  • A2: English Composition - An English composition course that emphasizes essay writing or reading and writing concurrently. Must be completed with a "C-" or higher. 
  • A3: Critical Thinking - A second semester composition or writing course, or a course in reasoning and effective argumentative writing. Must be completed with a "C-" or higher. Please note, all Engineering majors are exempt from completing Critical Thinking as a part of the admission requirements
  • B4: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning - A mathematics course above the intermediate algebra level. Must be completed with a "C-" or higher. 

Fall applicants must have requirements completed by the end of the Spring term and Spring applicants must have requirements completed by the end of the Summer term.

MFA Model
Admission Category Attribute Scoring
CPP Applicant Points (GPA X 925) + 1100
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Equivalent of .1 (impacted) and .2 (non-impacted) GPA bump
Local Area or Veteran/Military

Local Admission Area

Military Status of Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, or Veteran

First Generation Parents with: no high school, some high school, high school graduate and 2 year college graduate
Youth Services Ward of the Court, Foster Youth or Unaccompanied Youth
Campus Partnerships Civil Engineering Transfer Pathway (Mt. Sac, Citrus, Victor Valley Colleges)
Leadership Experience Student government, Athletics, Leadership, Volunteer/Community Service, Clubs, etc.
Work Experience Hours worked and work related to major
Required/Recommended/Preferred Coursework Impacted Majors 

Cal Poly Pomona admits applicants to their alternate major only if there is additional capacity beyond those admitted as a primary major. This means that you might meet the threshold for your alternate major, but because there is no additional enrollment capacity, you may not be offered admission into your alternate major.

Adding an alternate major on your Cal State Apply application is highly encouraged.

CPP has various majors that are impacted (more people apply than we can accommodate) and therefore, have established supplemental courses that need to completed with a "C" or higher to be considered for admission. To get more information on which majors are impacted and the supplemental courses that are necessary for these majors, please visit our Impacted Majors webpage.

Students that have been or will be awarded an ADT that is deemed similar to the major that they are applying to will have the supplemental coursework waived. To view which ADT is deemed similar please visit the Cal State website.

Non-local Applicants

All applicants must meet CSU minimum requirements to be reviewed for admission consideration. Non-local applicants applying to impacted majors will be held to a higher admission standard based on space available in the major.

Please be aware that an applicant is considered local if the majority of their units were earned at one of our local area community colleges or if they were awarded an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) from one of our local area community colleges. 


Visit or Transfer Evaluation Services (TES) for course articulations