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Transfer Students

CPP Students

Program Impaction

Program Impaction pertains to limitations within an academic program (major) and occurs when the number of students seeking admission to a specific program exceeds the program’s capacity to accommodate them. Currently, Cal Poly Pomona has nineteen (19) programs impacted at the transfer level. Applicants applying to impacted majors will be held to a higher admission standard based on space availability.

Local Area Preference

Local Area Preference

Transfer applications applying to an impacted major will receive "Local Preference" for admission consideration if the majority of their units were earned from one of our local area community colleges or if they were awarded an Associate Degree for Transfer (AD-T) from one of our local area community colleges. In addition, as a part of our commitment to provide access to veterans, Cal Poly Pomona gives "Local Preference" to all veterans regardless of transferring institution. Since Cal Poly Pomona is not impacted at the transfer level, we also offer additional consideration to our “service area” institutions, Chaffey College and Rio Hondo College. For more information, visit our Local Preference page. 

Supplemental Required and Recommended Courses

Supplemental, Required, and Recommended Courses

Cal Poly Pomona has implemented a multifactor admission (MFA) model to evaluate all incoming transfer applicants. Many of our impacted majors have required or recommended supplemental courses that will help prepare prospective applicants for further studies in their major.

  • Required supplemental courses must be completed with a “C” or higher grade to be considered for admission.
  • Recommended supplemental coursework will earn additional consideration based on how many of the recommended courses are completed with a "C" or higher.
  • Local area applicants must complete any required coursework to be admissible and will receive a local preference bump.
  • Local area applicants will receive additional points for any recommended coursework and will receive a local preference bump.

Applicants Earning an AD-T: Please note that supplemental coursework is waived for all impacted majors upon completion of an Associate Degree for Transfer (AD-T) in a similar major. AD-T recipients receive additional points for completing an AD-T in a similar major and for recommended coursework regardless of completion status.

Impacted Majors and Supplemental Courses

College of Agriculture
Major Recommended Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Animal Health Science General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
Basic Bio & Lab BIO 1150/L
Statistics STA 1200
Animal Science (Pre-Vet)
Animal Science (General)
General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
Foundations of Bio/Lab BIO 1210/L
Statistics STA 1200

College of Business Administration
Major Recommended Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Accounting Business Calculus or Calculus 1 MAT 1250 or MAT 1140
Financial Accounting ACC 2070
Managerial Accounting ACC 2080
Statistics STA 1200

College of Engineering
Major Required Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Aerospace Engineering Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L
General Chemistry I or Chemistry for Engineers CHM 1210/L or CHM 1150
Civil Engineering Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L
General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
Computer Engineering Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L
Intro to Electromagnetism & Circuits PHY 1520/L
Electrical Engineering Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L
Intro to Electromagnetism & Circuits PHY 1520/L
Mechanical Engineering Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L
General Chemistry I or Chemistry for Engineers CHM 1210/L or CHM 1150


College of Environmental Design
Major Recommended Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Architecture Trigonometry MAT 1060
Physics of Motion, Fluid & Heat or Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1210/L or PHY 1510/L





College of Letters, Arts, & Social Science — Recommended Courses
Major Recommended Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Psychology Intro to Psychology PSY 2201
Research Methods in Psychology PSY 2204
Mind, Brain and Behavior PSY 2210
Statistics STA 1200
Sociology Intro to Sociology SOC 2201
Research Methods in Sociology SOC 2205
Statistics STA 1200

College of Science — Required Courses
Major Required Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Computer Science* Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L


*Has both required and recommended coursework 
College of Science — Recommended Courses
Major Recommended Course(s) CPP Course(s)
Biology Fundamentals of Biology: Energy, Matter & Information BIO 1210/L
Fundamentals of Biology: Ecology & Biodiversity BIO 1220/L
General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
General Chemistry II & Lab CHM 1220/L
Biotechnology Fundamentals of Biology: Energy, Matter & Information BIO 1210/L
Fundamentals of Biology: Ecology & Biodiversity BIO 1220/L
General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
General Chemistry II & Lab CHM 1220/L
Chemistry Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
General Chemistry II & Lab CHM 1220/L
Computer Science Discrete Structures CS 1300
Environmental Biology Fundamentals of Biology: Energy, Matter & Information BIO 1210/L
Fundamentals of Biology: Ecology & Biodiversity BIO 1220/L
General Chemistry I & Lab CHM 1210/L
General Chemistry II & Lab CHM 1220/L
Kinesiology Basic Biology & Lab or Foundations of Biology & Lab BIO 1150/L or BIO 1210/L
Statistics STA 1200
Physics Calculus I MAT 1140
Calculus II MAT 1150
Intro to Newtonian Mechanics PHY 1510/L
Into to Electromagnetism & Circuits PHY 1520/L



Visit or Transfer Evaluation Services (TES) for course articulations.