Three Universities to Choose From

Biberach, Germany
The strength of Biberach University of Applied Sciences lies in its small university community. With only 2,040 students, 70 professors, 185 lecturers and approximately 137 staff, there is an atmosphere of friendly cooperation at Biberach University. Similar to Cal Poly Pomona, Biberach University of Applied Sciences is a technical university. Besides imparting specialist knowledge, the University also focuses on developing key skills which are in ever greater demand both professionally and socially. At this university, you can develop skills such as self-confidence, discernment, responsibility and curiosity, which are characteristics which can be crucial for good communication and constructive cooperation.
Learn More About Biberach UniversityHANNOVER UNIVERSITY
Hannover, Germany
The Hannover International Summer School of Economics and Management (HISSEMA) is in its thirteenth year of operation. Up to now, over 200 international students, especially from the United States, have participated in the HISSEMA. The program is completely conducted in English. Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) has over 23,000 students. Its School of Economics and Management is one of the top ranked in Germany.
Learn More About Hannover University

University of Nurtingen-Geislingen
Nurtingin, Germany
This program is currently on hold and not accepting applications at the moment.
Founded in 1949 as a College for Agricultural Engineering, HfWU became a public University of Applied Sciences in 1972 and offers academic education to more than 5000 students today. Their main teaching and research focus lies on subject areas of Business & Economics as well as Agriculture & Landscape Planning.
The University of Nuertingen-Geislingen is located within the greater Stuttgart area, the capital of the State Baden-Wuerttemberg in one of the strongest economic regions in Germany and Europe. They have excellent contacts with world-leading companies in Southern Germany such as Porsche, and Mercedes. As a University of Applied Sciences they pursue a hands-on approach and attach great importance to the applicability of research findings and academic knowledge.
Learn More About University of Nurtingen-GeislingenCEU Footer
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