
Check-In Information

Welcome to Cal Poly Pomona University Housing Services!

Below is general information and standard procedures for checking into the Residential Halls, Residential Suites, or Traditional Halls during operating hours and after hours. Please do not hesitate to contact the Housing Office at (909) 869-3307 or housing@cpp.edu with any questions.

Check-In Procedures: Business Hours

University Housing Services has two check-in locations depending on the community residents are moving into. Business Hours for both locations are Monday-Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm. Below overviews the check-in locations for each community type.

Traditional Halls

During Business Hours, residents moving in to the Traditional Halls (Encinitas, Montecito, Alamitos, and Aliso) can check-in at the La Cienega Housing Office bldg. 59.

Business Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm.

Residential Halls

During Business Hours, residents moving in to the Residential Halls (Sicomoro and Secoya) can check-in at the Secoya Housing Office bldg. 74.

Business Hours

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm.


During Business Hours, residents moving in to the Suites (Estrellas, Bonita, Sol, Montanas, or Luna) can check-in at the Secoya Housing Office bldg. 74.

Business Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm.

Check-In Procedures: After Hours

Once the Housing Offices close, residents can check-in with their RA on Duty Monday - Friday after 6:00pm and all day Saturday and Sunday.  View your view your RA's contact numbers below.

Encinitas(909) 636-4867

Montecito: (909) 636-9487

Alamitos: (909) 636-4106

Aliso: (909) 636-2919

Sicomoro: (909) 636-4506

Secoya: (909) 636-2357

Estrellas: (909) 542-5961

Bonita: (909) 636-6054

Sol: (909) 573-8583

Montanas: (909) 542-5958

Luna: (909) 573-8576

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information regarding General Information, Meal Plans, Amenties, and more, visit our webpage Housing Frequently Asked Questions.