
Contact CLASS Leadership

The College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences’ offices will be open during regular business hours with most continuing to offer virtual/remote services as well. We are here to help you with any questions you may have. Please use the contact information listed below to connect with our CLASS departments or Dean’s Office and staff will respond to messages during regular business hours.

Please use the contact information listed below:

Student Success Center (Advising)


Department Coordinators:
Victoria Key  vmkey@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Jason Turcotte jmturcotte@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Stephanie Gonzalez  srgonzalez@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Bruce Brown  bbrown@cpp.edu
Department Coordinators:
Maria J. Rodriguez   mjrodriguez@cpp.edu
Connie Cuellar  mccuellar@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Kent L. Dickson kldickson@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Kathleen Ramirez ksramirez@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Jocelyn Pacleb japacleb@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Ruth (Remi) Burton  reburton@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Kelly Huh  khuh@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Victoria Galvez  mvgalvez@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Dan Lewis dklewis@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Racquel Chance rchance@cpp.edu
Department Chair: 
Dr. David Kopplin   dfkopplin@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Stephanie Gonzalez  srgonzalez@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Dale Turner  dturner@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Beatriz Garcia   beatrizg@cpp.edu
Department Chair: 
Dr. Mario Guerrero  mag@cpp.edu


Department Coordinators:
Ocena Corbin  ocorbin@cpp.edu
Antoinette Abernathy  arabernathy@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Kevin Autry  ksautry@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Kunj Bhatt krbhatt@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Dr. Anjana Narayan  anarayan@cpp.edu
Department Coordinator:
Alyssa Martinez alyssam4@cpp.edu
Department Chair:
Sarah Krainin srkrainin@cpp.edu