Bronco Leadership Center

Planning an event (25Live)

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Planning an event

If you are a registered student club or organization, this page contains important information about planning events. You must enter in your organizations events both on and off campus. After reading the below FAQs please visit 25Live ( to start an event form. 

Reminder: Submitting an event form and event layout does not give you equipment. Once you are approved for tents, chairs, tables, etc. you must either bring them yourself or plan from the beginning to bring a vendor. You can specify you are working with a vendor within 25Live.

Please reach out to us at or (909) 869-2841 if you have any questions.

25Live FAQs

  • I do not see the "Event Form" in 25Live?
  • I don't have access to 25Live?
  • I do not see the Event Type of "Student/Club Event Meeting"

There are a few reasons why you might not have access:

  • Registration Status: Your club or organization registration might not be approved
    • Please check with your President to ensure they received a Step 4 Registration approval email from myBAR
  • Approval Time: It takes 1-3 business days after your club or organizations registration is approved.
  • Register Tag: The Bronco Leadership Center needs to add the “Registered” category to your myBAR organization
  • Scheduler Listing: If your scheduler is on the roster, but the word "Scheduler" does not appear next to their name as an assigned role, this will cause a delay

No, you must be as accurate as possible by planning all the details with others. Do not make up or put false data into the form.

You can go to the CPP Campus Map, take a screenshot, and use any photo editing or desktop publishing tool to add items. Below is a sample layout. When you are finished, ensure you email it to facilities.

A picture of University Park from the CPP Campsu Map. There are 8 rectangles spaced in the center of the park which denotes tents. There are 8 ovals within each rectangle to note tables. Each tent also has two black dots that signify chairs. Lastly, there are three purple rectangles that signify wooden 4'x3' letters.

No, all club reservations must be input by the club scheduler only. The event type for all clubs and organizations must be “Student Club Event/Meeting.”

Please inform us ahead of time so we can ask IT&IP can reset your 25Live account.

No, only the scheduler is authorized to submit events.

Advisors cannot submit event requests on behalf of your organization. Only the designated scheduler can do this.

Please contact the ASI Conferences & Events (C&E) team ( for assistance.

Event confirmation involves a detailed process. You should reserve and plan for spaces at least a month before the event. Remember: you cannot proceed with your event until your event is fully confirmed in 25Live.

  • Space reserved: Before you can start your tasks, you must get the space reserved by the assigned scheduler for the space. If it is outdoors it is likely the Bronco Leadership Center. If it is indoors it could be the Bronco Leadership Center or it could be someone in that building or college. If it is in the Bronco Student Center or the Bronco Recreation Intramural Complex you need to contact ASI Conference & Events services (
  • Task List: You must clear your task list within your 25Live event to proceed with confirmation.
    • Each task item has a department or contact name so you can ask that are for assistance.
    • Sample departments are, University Police, Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities Planning and Management, University Risk, and others
  • Task List cleared: Please contact the Bronco Leadership Center at (909) 869-2841 or to fully confirm your event.

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