Bronco Leadership Center

New Club Registration

New Club Registration Process

New Club Registration Process

Are you passionate about a hobby, cause, or interest? Why not start your own club and share your enthusiasm with fellow students! We encourage you to create new clubs and bring your ideas to life. Please make sure to follow the instructions on this page to ensure a smooth and successful club formation process. Let’s build a vibrant and diverse community together!

Does the club arleady exist? You cannot create a new club that serves a similar interests. Search for currently registered clubs in myBAR.

All intended Presidents must attend a New Club Workshop (others are welcome to attend). Workshops are held virtually. To find out when these workshops are, visit the New Club Registration Meeting (

The Advisor, President, Scheduler, and Treasurer must be identified and complete the Leadership Toolkit hosted on CPP Learning. President and Treasurer can also be Scheduler, if necessary.

You must identify an advisor, and advisor must complete their toolkit session, and after the organization is registered, they must be listed as the advisor on the myBAR roster.

Eligibility: Enterprise employees, ASI employees, State side staff (Including librarians, athletics coaches, and counseling employees), State side tenured/tenure- track faculty, Assistant professors, associate professors, and professors

Each club/organization must provide a plan stating how it will exist for at least 3 years (e.g. how will you recruit, retain membership, and transition each year to keep the club successful?). The goal is to have at least 5 members in the organization.

Bylaws/constitution (how the club is governed) will be published on the club's page in myBAR. Please note that new club Bylaws must be reviewed by ASI Attorney General. More information will be covered in the New Club Workshop.