Bronco Leadership Center

Club and Org Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Not enough members listed in your Step 4 Registration: Ensure you have at least 5 members, not including the advisor.
  2. Leadership Toolkit Workshops missing: Make sure your Treasurer, President, Scheduler, and Advisor have completed the required workshops.
  3. President, Treasurer, Scheduler, and Advisor Changes: If you need to change any of these positions, the BLC must deny your Step 4 registration so you can pick a specify a new person on your Step 4 form.
  4. I was denied on my Step 4 registration, so I wrote comments on the bottom of that form, like corrections, or bylaws just in comments: This is incorrect, we cannot see comments. Please visit your registration submissions page (, make changes on the actual form itself, and then hit submit. Do not leave comments.

Not to worry! We also run a registration cycle for the upcoming Spring that starts in October. If you are a new club that needs to register for the first time, the new club workshops are in Spetember and January.

As a reminder, registration for Fall begins the previous April of each year. If you did not fill out a Step 1 form or have not made any significant progress, you will have wait until Spring.

The Step 1 Registration Proposal is part of a 6 step process to become fully registered. All individuals listed in that form were sent emails over the summer to correct organization bylaws, to complete the Leadership Toolkit online sessions, and submit their Step 4 registration form. If you missed any of this, please see the pervious FAQ questions.

Please go to Advisor Resources to review eligibility and links to the Advisor session.

Yes! We have created a guide DOCX ( to assist with how to download and configure your app.

Unfortunately, you cannot do any of these things until you are fully registered. The only exception is that you can always deposit club funds at anytime into your account if you already had one established at ASI Financial Services, but you cannot create purchase orders or disbursement requests.

Advisors, Presidents, Treasurers, and Schedulers were all emailed via Outlook by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 1. Additionally, at 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 1, Advisors, Presidents, Treasurers, and Schedulers will get a message from the system that a session is waiting for them. The system will auto-send a reminder every few days for 30 days.

The BLC has to manually review several aspects of your registration. The entire process can take more than 5 business days in our peak registration periods (late August and early February). There is a seperate FAQ for reserving space and 25Live.

  • Step 1 Registration Proposal
    • We look at your proposal to ensure the President is not the Treasurer, and to ensure that your Advisor and Scheduler positions are filled.
  • Member count Check
    • You must have 5 members on your Step 4 registration form and your advisor does not count as a member
  • Step 2 Bylaws
    • Bylaws review requires manual detailed review
    • This can take up to 4 business days during our peak season
    • Every year we have corrections that need to be made to bylaws based on changes in department names on policies
    • If you miss any of these corrections, your Step 2 Bylaws or Step 4 Registration submission will result in it being denied
  • Step 3 Checking that your Leadership Toolkit Sessions are complete
    • Completed leadership toolkit sessions take 24 hours for it to appear in our system
    • President - 4 sessions
    • Treasurer - 3 sessions
    • Scheduler - 3 sessions
    • Advisor - 1 session
  • Step 4 Re-register your Organization
    • Reviewing Step 4 can take 3-6 business days during our peak season
    • Your President goes into MyBAR and under the "Manage Organization" page for your particular organization
    • There should be a button labeled "Re-Register this Organization"
    • This is due August 31 and January 31 (if you missed Fall registration or you are a Calendar Year Fraternity or Sorority)

  • 25Live
    • Once the above is complete and the President has access to update myBAR, the President must update the myBAR roster right away
    • All roles must be listed next to the name of each person, President, Scheduler, Treasurer, Advisor
    • It takes 24 hours for myBAR to communicate with 25Live once the organization is marked as registered AND the scheduler is marked on the organization roster in the scheduler position
    • If they are only listed on the roster and their name does not say "Scheduler" next to it, 25Live will not have access to the correct event form

Advisor – 1 session – Advisor Session
President – 4 sessions – Ethics, Effective Meeting, President, Finance
Treasurer – 3 sessions – Ethics, Effective Meeting, Finance
Scheduler – 3 sessions – Ethics, Effective Meeting, Event Planning

Yes, you can submit your bylaws with the requested changes from Step 2 into your Step 4 Registration form. Make sure you resolve all the issues completely in your entire bylaws document. Any bylaw issues will further delay your registration

Your Registration Proposal and other submitted documents will remain "pending" throughout the registration process. This will allow edits if necessary (ex., Advisor change, E-board change, etc.).

Your club is fully registered when you receive an approval email from MyBAR. Your next step is to update your roster for completion (President, Treasurer, Scheduler, Advisor all listed AND 5 total student members)

Stay tuned for the mandatory workshops this Fall!

Your next step is to update your roster for completion (President, Treasurer, Scheduler, Advisor all listed AND 5 total student members)

Stay tuned for the mandatory workshops this Fall!

Please pass on your knowledge of this process to the next eboard. We recommend that you have elections in early April. Pass on all documents, passwords, membership lists, account information, budget. The incoming president will need to start this process in mid-April of each year.