Innovation Incubator

Innovation Incubator

The Innovation Incubator institutionalizes campus wide initiatives such as, PolyX, Digital Badging, Pop-Up courses, and Micro-Internships

AI Summer Conference
May 29 - May 31, 2024

Happening from Wednesday, May 29, 2024, through Friday, May 31, 2024, the Academic Innovation Summer Conference is a dynamic and forward-thinking event focused on "Exploring the Future of Work." It brings together faculty and staff from both Cal Poly Pomona and external universities to delve into critical topics surrounding the intersection of education and the evolving workforce. Participants can expect insightful keynote presentations, engaging panel discussions, and interactive workshops led by renowned experts in the fields of education and workforce development, providing a platform to share innovative strategies and foster collaborative networks for a more resilient and adaptive future.

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Explore upcoming workshops, showcases, and conferences

Micro-Internship Drop-In Hours

Spring 2024

Get insights, advice, and discover how to seamlessly integrate micro-internships into your courses to boost students' professional journeys! 

Micro-Internship Mixers

Spring 2024

Explore Micro-Internship experiences with us at the Micro-Internship Mixer hosted by Innovation Incubator! Faculty and staff are invited to join engaging discussions and networking opportunities to learn about the impact of micro-internships on career growth. Two dates are available for your convenience. Come, connect, and discover exciting professional development prospects in a relaxed setting!

Digital Badging Drop-Ins

In-Person and Virtual

Join us at the Spring Digital Badging Drop-In Hours, brought to you by Innovation Incubator. Faculty and staff are invited to explore the world of digital badging—a graphical showcase of skills and knowledge acquired through courses and activities. Discover how you can integrate these digital badges into your curriculum to empower students in shaping their professional profiles, paving the way for accelerated future careers. Sign up below to get started! 

II Newsletter
Issue #8

In the eighth issue of the Innovation Incubator newsletterworking on a Signature Polytechnic Experience (PolyX) application for Spring 2024? Join the PolyX team virtually to work on your PolyX application before the upcoming April 2nd deadline. We're also excited to offer Micro-Internship Drop-In Hours and Mixers this Spring, providing a platform for direct engagement and learning about integrating micro-internships into curricula for real-world experience. Additionally, our Digital Badging initiative continues to evolve, offering a visual representation of our students' skills and achievements. Faculty and Staff don't miss the opportunity to apply for the PolyX program by April 2, 2024! Don't forget to subscribe to get the latest issues in your inbox!

Read Issue 8
Innovation Incubator Newsletter
micro-internship students

Innovation Incubator's Micro-Internship Program Celebrates First-Year Gains

Cal Poly Pomona’s Micro-Internship program, in its first year, saw a surge in participants and bested its enrollment goal. According to the Micro-Internship team, there has been an increase in student participation and an expansion in corporate partnerships. About 623 students participated in fall 2023 and spring 2024, which is a 160 percent increase from December 2023 to February 2024, according to preliminary data. This surpasses the first year's goal of serving 500 students. Spring 2024 semester is on track to have about 570 student participants, drawing from 30 upper division (junior and senior level) courses. Led by Innovation Incubator, the program offers students invaluable brief work experiences that complement their academic pursuits and part-time jobs. This program also paves the way for a seamless integration of professional experiences and academics, laying down a flexible yet significant route for students to gear up for their careers.

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micro internships faculty and staff group picture

Micro-Internships Highlighted at the 2024 Academic Innovation Winter Institute

The recently held Academic Innovation Winter Institute, organized by the Office of Academic Innovation in partnership with Innovation Incubator centered on the theme of “Exploring Micro-Internships: A Guide to Understanding and Successfully Implementing Short-Term Work Experiences”. A significant highlight of the institute was the focus on micro-internships as short-term, paid work experiences, a program Innovation Incubator is piloting. These internships are designed to provide students with practical, hands-on experiences in their field of study while also compensating them for their work.

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