Current Pop-Up Course

Learn about Misinformation, Conspiracy, and Polarization!
Back by popular demand, Innovation Incubator is excited to announce its pop-up course called “Lies, Damned Lies, and Politics: Confronting the Threats of Misinformation, Conspiracy, and Polarization” (CPU 1540). This course will tackle how to navigate media bias, the psychology of why people believe in misinformation and conspiracy, and the technologies and politics driving us apart.
This 3-unit course will be offered in Fall 2023. It will be taught by a team of experts from across campus: Shonn Haren, Coordinator of Instruction at the University Library; Dr. Randy Stein, an Associate Professor of Marketing; and Dr. L. Lin Ong, an Assistant Professor of International Business and Marketing.
Each section of CPU 1540 will be taught Hybrid format on Tuesdays, from 1:00pm-2:15pm, In-person meeting dates are TBD. Students will register on BroncoDirect for any one of the three sections. Students will be taught by each professor over the course of the semester, so students can learn about the subject from the different perspectives.
See below for registration details. Please email if you have any questions.
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Teaching Team

Shonn Haren,
University Library

Dr. Randy Stein,
International Business & Marketing