RA Contact Information
RA Contact Information
Residence Life staff are available at all times. During business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm), please contact your Residence Life Coordinator or the main Housing Office for assistance.
Resident Advisors are on duty after normal business hours. The duty roster and the contact information for the on duty RA is posted at the front desk.
For assistance after hours, RA’s are available as follows: Monday through Thursday, 6:00 pm - 8:00 am; Friday through Monday, 6:00 pm - 8:00am.
To contact an RA for immediate assistance, please call (do not text) the duty cell phone for the appropriate building.
To Reach an RA ON DUTY...
Name | Phone |
Encinitas (Bldg. 20) | (909) 636-4867 |
Montecito (Bldg. 21) | (909) 636-9487 |
Alamitos (Bldg. 22) | (909) 636-4106 |
Aliso (Bldg. 23) | (909) 636-2919 |
Suites - Vista de las Estrellas (Bldg. 54) | (909) 542-5961 |
Suites - Vista Bonita (Bldg. 60) | (909) 636-6054 |
Suites - Vista del Sol (Bldg. 61) | (909) 573-8583 |
Suites - Vista de las Montanas (Bldg. 62) | (909) 542-5958 |
Vista de la Luna (Bldg. 63) | (909) 573-8576 |
Sicomoro (Bldg. 73) | (909) 636-4506 |
Secoya (Bldg. 74) | (909) 636-2357 |
If there is an emergency that requires immediate attention, please call University Police at (909) 869.3070. | - |