News Listing


The Teagle Foundation’s Cornerstone Award for “The Faces Of Freedom”

CLASS will be launching The Democracy Institute and its award-winning GIFT Project (Global Inquiries in Freedom and Tyranny) in Fall 2024 with 10 CLASS faculty, including Ahimsa Center affiliates, offering the GIFT flagship seminar on The Faces of Freedom.

The Inaugural Ahimsa Lecture on Constructive Resistance

The Tara and Nirmal Sethia Annual Ahimsa Lectures bring to our campus distinguished scholars, writers and artists, public intellectuals, thought leaders, social activists and change-makers.They remind us not only of the urgency of addressing the pervasive problem of violence but also offer a path forward based on their expertise and lived experiences in the realm of ahimsa.

Student Initiative for Justice on Curriculum and Civil Rights

The Student Initiative for Justice epitomizes our commitment to engaging the brightest, youngest minds on the most decisive questions facing our civic institutions and human future. Through regular dialogues on campus between faculty, students, and educational leaders across CPP campus...

The Democracy Institute Inaugural Symposium

The Ahimsa Center held its inaugural The Democracy Institute symposium on March 10-11, 2023, at the Kellogg West Conference Center on “After Life: Identity and Indifference in the Time of Planetary Peril.” 12 internationally...

The Justice Dialogues on Constitutional Values

It is not often that a sitting US President describes the Supreme Court of the United States as “not a normal court.” Words like “assault” and “attack,” which were not until long ago used primarily to define extra-judicial intrusions of individual states into the realm of civil rights...

Nonviolence for Our Times Student Voices

Now, a community has grown out of the Ahimsa Center in CLASS (a center dedicated to nonviolent political theory and practice) and its newly established Democracy Project, led by the Center's Director and Shri Shantinath Endowed Chair for Ahimsa Studies, Dr. Aishwary Kumar. Ahimsa in Sanskrit means a rejection of violence...

The Justice Dialogues on Liberalism and the Secular Vision

For better and for worse, the modern democratic experiment has always harbored within it a principled religious dimension: that something greater than our individual self-interest—a common, shared faith—must bind us together as citizens and equals on earth. Some of the greatest accomplishments of our civic and social contract...

Ahimsa Center at the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights

Everett Elias (History 2024) and Jenaveve Gregory (Anthropology 2024), candidates for Interdisciplinary Minor in Nonviolence Studies, represented our work in human rights and political nonviolence at the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights held at Sonoma State University...