Student Initiative for Justice on Curriculum and Civil Rights

SIJ Curriculum and Civil Rights

The Student Initiative for Justice epitomizes our commitment to engaging the brightest, youngest minds on the most decisive questions facing our civic institutions and human future. Through regular dialogues on campus between faculty, students, and educational leaders across CPP campus and the country, the SIJ seeks to engage students who, when they go out into the world, are well prepared to take part in questions that today traverse and cut across debates around technology, climate, law, violence, and rights.

The SIJ hosted their inaugural student-led conversation with Dr. Rachael Hill and Dr. Aishwary Kumar titled Who’s Teaching Us? Rethinking American Ideals and Institutions in the Global Age.

As the national and global battle over books and bodies continue, we asked: what is more important for any engaged community of scholars and students than to think afresh, in a rapidly changing world, the idea of civil rights and the idea of America itself?

Meet the SIJ's Student Founders