Dr. Ruth Guthrie

Department Chair
Phone: (909) 869-4958
Email: raguthrie@cpp.edu
Office: Building 164, Room 1022
Ruth Guthrie is a Professor and Chair of the Computer Information Systems department at California Polytechnic University, Pomona. She has experience in software test and program management of large scale software programs in the aerospace industry. Her interests are educational technology, user interface design, emerging technologies and technology and gender. She has authored several papers in a variety of areas including two books on Web development. Currently, she is working on an NSF grant to promote institutional change at Cal Poly for women in the sciences. She has also published an eBook, Profiles of Women in Information Technology, available on Kindle and GoogleBooks.
Recent Courses
- CIS 231 Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems
- CIS 311 Interactive Web Development
- CIS 421 User Experience (UX)
- CIS 466 Systems Development Project
Recent Publications
- Guthrie, R. (2015) “Scrum Software Development Methodology” Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, edited by Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Idea Group Publishing. (3rd Ed.), IGI Global.
- Guthrie, R., Yakura, E. and Soe, L. Preparing Students for Jobs Today: It’s Not Just What You Know, It’s Also Who You Know, Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 2013.
- Guthrie, R., Soe, L., Yakura, E. Teaching people networking skills for CIS students, accepted for AMCIS 2012, Seattle, WA, August 2012.
- Soe, L., Yakura, E., Guthrie, R. (2012) Increasing the Appeal of Information Technology to Women: Initiatives in Undergraduate Curriculum, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Hawaii, April 3-6.
- Guthrie, Soe & Yakura (2012) Profiles of Women in IT. Available for download: http://itwbp.wordpress.com and Kindle bookstore.
Soe, L., Guthrie, R., Yakura, E., Hwang, D.. Designing an Introductory CIS Course To Attract and Retain Female (and Male) Students, Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ), forthcoming, August 2012.
Guthrie, R., Soe, L. & Yakura, E. (2011) Support Structures for Women in Information Technology Careers, International Journal of e-Politics.
Selected Service:
- Department Chair (2007-2010)
- Academic Senator (2010-2013)
- MPP Review, Numerous Search Committees, RTP Committees, Strategic Planning