College of Science Advising Center

Academic Policies & Procedures

Academic Policies & Procedures

For a comprehensive list of University Academic Policies & Procedures, please visit the Registrar's Office website.

University Academic Policies

Please find important information at the link above regarding academic policies such as Probation w/ Contract, grade appeals, and more. 

University Forms

For a comprehensive list of University Forms please visit the forms page of the Registrars Office's. Please note many of the forms are now online, please view their website for further information. 

Please view the petition overview chart of the Office of Student Success. This chart shares petition types, a description of each petition, whether the form is an e-form or paper form, and the location of the petition. 


Applying for Graduation

Follow these step-by-step guides:

For more information on how to Apply for Graduation and other helpful links, please visit the Registrar's Office page here.

Every effort has been made to provide students with the most accurate information for advising purposes. However, this information may be amended or changed at any time. Please continuously check your CPP email for updates. Should you have any questions regarding the above information, please feel free to contact the College of Science Advising Center.  Access the contact's page here. Webpage last updated: August 2020