Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development

Meet the Team

Our main office is located in Building 1, Room 225.

Phone 909.869.2955;  FAX 909.869.2993

Office of Research, Innovation, & Economic Development

Craig LaMunyon, PhD

Interim Associate Vice President, Institutional Official

Kristil Mejia-Twomey, AA

Assistant to the Associate Vice President

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Anastasia Rutherford, MBA, CRA

Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

Shari Jackson, MBA

Assistant Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

Maria Robledo, BS

Grants and Contracts Administrator

Lynn Baltazar, MHA

Sr. Grants and Contracts Administrator Emeritus

Carol Keating

Grants and Contracts Administrator Emeritus


Grants and Contracts Administrator


Administrative Support Assistant II

Office of Research Compliance

Maya Monges, MPA, CCEP, CIP

Research Compliance Officer
Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development

Greg Placencia, PhD

Associate Professor & Institutional Review Board Chair
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering College of Engineering

Juanita Jellyman, PhD

Associate Professor & Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Chair
Biological Science, College of Science

Cynthia Tessler, MS, RVT, LATG

Animal Care Facility Coordinator
Office of Research, Innovation, & Economic Development

Technology Transfer

Craig LaMunyon, PhD

Associate Vice President, Institutional Official