About Us
- as the portal for grant and contract proposal submissions;
- in grant and proposal preparation and development (through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs - ORSP);
- to ensure that federal, state, and system research regulations are followed;
- with oversight of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for human subjects research;
- with oversight of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for vertebrate animal research;
- for intellectual property and technology transfer;
- with protections for export control and foreign influence;
- in providing workshops for faculty in all of these areas;
- and in intramural awards: (i) the Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (RSCA) awards, and (ii) the Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Grants (SIRG).
Organizational Chart
Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development
Craig LaMunyon, AVP
Senior Administrative Analyst & Assistant to the AVP
Kristil Mejia
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Anastasia Rutherford
Administrative Assistant
Senior Executive Lead, Grants and Contracts Administrator
Grants and Contracts Administrator
Maria Robledo
Grants and Contracts Administrator
Eireen Buntuyan
Grants and Contracts Administrator
Brittany Mejia
Sr. Grants and Contracts Administrator, Emeritus
Lynn Baltazar
Grants and Contracts Administrator, Emeritus
Carol Keating
Research Compliance
Office of Research Compliance
Research Compliance Officer
Research Compliance Specialist
Ruth Ramirez
Animal Care Facility
Cynthia Tessler