Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development

Forms and Resources


Forms and Templates

Financial Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest requirements usually apply if you are submitting a proposal (including for subawards) to a private entity or to the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the National Institutes of Health/PHS (NIH).  Submission of proposals to these funders requires the completion of a specific conflict of interest form prior to submission by every CPP Investigator listed in the budget and participating in the project. 

Each funder type requires a different form, as follows.  Forms and procedures are available at the links below.  ORSP Leads will assist PI's directly in determining which form is needed for each proposal:

PRIVATE/NON-GOVERNMENTAL: Submission to a private entity (unless exempt) requires the completion of a Conflict of Interest form 700-U. Please click on the link below for the 700-U Form:

Conflict of Interest form 700-U (statement of economic interest) (PDF)

Please click on the link below for exempt entities for which no 700-U form is required (see page 3).

List of Exempt Entities

NSF and Other Federal Agencies: Submission to NSF and other Federal Agencies requires a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form - for NSF and Other Federal Agencies

NIH/PHS: Submission to NIH requires a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for NIH/PHSproposals.

NEW: Conflict of Interest Policy, Procedures, and Forms - for  NIH/PHS    Proposals (effective no later than Aug. 24, 2012 )

Investigators are responsible to read the NIH Regulations on Financial Conflict of interest including details of all disclosure requirements, and the Interim CPP University Policy all of which are provided below, prior to completing the Disclosure Form.  A “CITI” Web-based Tutorial is also provided at the link below, to assist you in complying with these regulations and to meet the NIH-mandated training requirement:

CPP’s Institutional Procedures-- please complete the three steps below, which will fulfill the requirements:


  • FIRST, read this Policy: Interim CPP University Policy (DOC)
  • SECOND, complete and sign this form and submit to ORSP: N.I.H. “Investigator” Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (DOC)
  • THIRD, and finally, take this training and email your certificate copy to OSP: “CITI” Web-based Tutorial:
    • Training is required by NIH prior to engaging in the research, and on at least a four-year cycle thereafter; and, immediately upon other events as defined per campus policy. Upon completion of each training session, be sure to send an email including a copy of your certificate confirming completion to:

The following items provide full details and background regarding the regulations, and are provided by NIH:

Questions may be emailed to