Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development

Responsible Conduct of Research

What We Do

The responsible conduct of research (RCR) covers all aspects of research to foster integrity and protect against the possibility of misconduct in research.  The areas addressed include Research Misconduct, Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing and Ownership, Publication Practices and Responsible Authorship, Peer Review, Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities, Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, Collaborative Research, Human Subjects, and Animal Welfare.

As of January 2010, National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires that all trainees that include fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant, and dissertation research grant must receive instruction in responsible conduct of research. 

National Science Foundation (NSF) requires CPP to describe in its grant proposals for science and engineering research or education a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers participating in the proposed project.  "Oversight" means tracking and verification that the requirement has been met.

It is critical that all researchers know that research integrity and the elements of the RCR apply to all research, scholarship and creative activities, whether funded or not.  For all funded projects CPP is required to document RCR training.


Prior to grant approval the investigators must:

1. Complete CITI training

  • CITI is a leading provider of research education content. CITI training should be completed by PIs and all personnel listed on the grant proposal.
  • CITI training is free for our campus community
  • Registration  Registration tutorial
    • Register using you Bronco email and any password you choose.
    • Select California State Polytechnic University, Pomona as the institution
    • Provide you Bronco ID under "employee number"
  • Selecting Courses
    • select the group Basic RCR ( Responsible Conduct of Research), Responsible Conduct of Research for engineers or Responsible Conduct of Research for administrators ( CPP Staff of grant manangers)
  • You must complete all courses with a passing score of 80% to receive a certificate of completion
  • PI's and Co- PI's the certificate of completion should be provided to your designated Office of Research & Spronsed Programs assigned Associate. Principle Investigator, Faculty Advisor or Professors, please ensure the members of your grant/research team completes the appropriate RCR training. We do not require submission of the certificate of completion from the students, and/or additional proposal members, but we do expect them to be readily available from the grant PI/Co-Pi should we need to obtain a copy. 
  • CITI training is valid for four years, at which point, a renewal training must be completed
  • Should you have any questions, contact the Office of Research Compliance 
  • A transcript (completion report) is generated when you complete the required group of modules, which is evidence of training. Four (4) years is the length of time for which the RCR training is valid. This is subject to change should there be changes in regulations or campus policies.
  • CITI Program issues course "Completion Report" (CRs) that learners may print or share, under the records link in the CITI site.