Protocol Application Process
Initial Protocol Submission
At Cal Poly Pomona, faculty or staff are the Principal Investigator (PI) of his/her protocol. All PIs are responsible for completing the necessary documentation (eRASQ- via SmartSheets), protocol application (Via ImedRIS online protocol management system), CITI training, other relevant training). The PI is also responsible for documentation for all personnel (staff or student) listed on their protocol.
Prior to using animals for research or teaching, the PI must:
- CITI Program is a leading provider of research education content, CITI training should be completed by PIs and all personnel listed on the protocol
- CITI training is free for our Cal Poly Pomona campus community
- Registration tutorial (click to view tutorial)
- Register using your Bronco email and self-selected password
- Select California State Polytechnic University, Pomona as the institution
- Provide your Bronco ID under "employee number"
- Complete the Following Courses:
- For the Principal Investigator (i.e., Principal Investigators supervising the study) or For the Protocol Personnel (i.e., staff, student, etc, working within the protocol)
- Course(s) relating to the species you will be working with; complete all that are applicable:
- When working with Rats and Mice
- When Working Only with Rabbits
- When working with Cattle
- When Working with Horses
- When Working with Swine
- When working with Sheep and Goats
- When Working with Hamsters
- When Working with Guinea Pigs
- When working with Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish
- When Working with Dogs and Cats
- Wildlife Research
- When working with Fish
- Any additional courses applicable to your protocol
- For a protocol involving surgery
- For a Bldg. 92 worker, student, or intern
- Basic Biosafety Training
- You must complete all courses (related to your study/CPP course) with a passing score of 80% to receive a certificate of completion
- Certificate of completion should be provided to your Principle Investigator/Faculty Advisor
- CITI training is valid for four years, at which point, the training should be repeated.
- Should you have any questions, contact the Office of Research Compliance ( or IACUC Chair
2. Submit an initial protocol application ( ImedRIS video available)
Request authentication. If this is your first time submitting an IACUC protocol in the IACUC protocol system (ImedRIS) please email the following information (listed below) to to be added to the system. Once you're account is established you may log in via SSO (Single-Sign-on).
- First and last name
- Bronco email (e.g.,
- Status (faculty, staff, student, unaffiliated, etc., as appropriate)
- CPP College and Department
- Faculty PI
- Activity purposes
- i.e. research project personnel ( or for classroom activity ) involving the use of animals
- When completing the protocol please complete all sections that pertain to your project and make sure you answer each question in full.
* Submit any additional questions to
4. Complete a Risk Assessment Screening Questionnaire (RASQ), via the SmartSheet or follow the link within ImedRIS (within your research workspace)
- For CPP-affiliated personnel (i.e., Faculty, Staff, Students, etc.): All individuals who will come in contact with animals on our campus are required to complete and submit this questionnaire which will be reviewed by EH&S.
- The questionnaire must be submitted yearly; you will not be approved by the IACUC to handle animals if the Risk assessment questionnaire is not up-to-date and approved
- PI and Personnel/Student will discuss options if approved with restrictions and PI is to keep a record of these restrictions.
- Email Erick Guandique for questions.
- Review Process: Upon receipt, EH&S approves the Risk Assessment Screening Questionnaires (1-4 business days) or may request a Health History Questionnaire (HHQ) to be completed with a CPP Health Center Physician (may be completed with a personal physician). This option (HHQ) is a CONFIDENTIAL process, documentation is not to be submitted to EH&S via email (contact for submission details).
- The Office of Research Compliance may also confirm the approval status when the protocol is submitted to ImedRIS
- Comments may be added to ImedRIS whether a protocol student/personnel is cleared or approved with restriction.
- PI and Personnel/Student will discuss options if approved with restrictions and the PI is to keep a record of these restrictions.
- Email Erick Guandique for questions
- Comments may be added to ImedRIS whether a protocol student/personnel is cleared or approved with restriction.
- The Office of Research Compliance may also confirm the approval status when the protocol is submitted to ImedRIS
- For CPP unaffiliated personnel ONLY:
- Complete the Risk Assessment Screening Questionnaire (RASQ) via SmartSheets (Bronco ID if applicable, or include 000000000).
- Email Erick Guandique ( and the IACUC Chair for further questions
- This unaffiliated personnel RASQ may take up to 2 weeks to be processed/finalized for approval.
- Animal Units on campus may have a unique training program/format which faculty, staff and students must complete to use animals on the premises.
- Please contact the facility/animal unit manager for more information.
- All research/teaching protocol personnel must display proficiency in the performance of the procedures described in each approved animal use protocol.
- For assistance in performing survival surgery or other procedures involving research animals, you will need to contact the iacuc office (Or IACUC Chair and the University Veterinarian , cc the IACUC Chair
- ImedRIS is a closed system internal to CPP faculty, students and staff used by the IACUC to review, record, and approve animal use protocols
- If it is your first time submitting an application for the proposed use of animals, you will need to request access to iMedRIS, please contact the Research Compliance Office ( or the IACUC Chair to request access and provide the following information;
- Name as if appears in the CPP system
- Bronco name or email (
- Once you are granted access, you may sign on to the website using your Bronco ID and password
Terms of Use: In submitting materials through the iMedRIS, you hereby intend that all electronic signatures executed by you within iMedRIS Integrated Research Information System are the legal equivalent of your traditional hand-written signature.
7. The Review Process begins
- The Office of Research Compliance and the IACUC Chair will receive notice of your submission and begin the review process, the submitted protocol application will be under review for a minimum of 7 business days (unless it is a personnel modification).
- Animal work should not begin until a decision email is sent to the PI notifying them that the protocol application has been approved.
Amendment to Protocol
Amendments should be submitted after a protocol is approved. PIs are responsible for submitting the request to the IACUC prior to their implementation. Any change in the proposed animal use, protocol personnel (including students), animal unit, proposed species to be used, etc. requires an amendment.
- Please review the tutorial for submitting a protocol/amendment
- CITI training and eRASQs need to be completed by added personnel before approval
- Please review the IACUC Protocol Amendment Policy
- Annual Reports must be submitted every year that the protocol is valid. An email reminder is sent to the PI regarding their animal use status; the annual report submission link is included in that email.
Post Approval Monitoring (PAM)
After protocol Approval, the IACUC has an obligation to review all research and teaching protocols annually at the very least. Cal Poly Pomona IACUC's PAM program consists of the following;
- Annual reports submitted for valid protocols ImedRIS. An email reminder is sent to the PI.
- Semi-annual inspections of all campus facilities maintaining animals for research or teaching.