Export Controls
It is the policy of the California State Polytechnic University at Pomona to fully comply with all applicable laws, regulations and contractual requirements related to export controls. This includes, but not limited to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) administered by the Department of Commerce, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), administered by the Department of State and the Foreign Asset Control Regulations (FACR) administered by the Department of Treasury. The successful implementation of the university policy and compliance requires a team effort between the PIs, staff and the university.
In order to protect national security, foreign policy, and national economic goals export laws specifically regulate the distribution of strategically important technology, services
- Advice on Export Controls
- Project Reviews
- Compliance with all regulations
Prior to grant approval the investigators must:
- CITI is a leading provider of research education content. CITI training should be completed by PIs and all personnel listed on the grant proposal.
- CITI training is free for our campus community
- Registration Registration tutorial
- Register using you Bronco email and any password you choose.
- Select California State Polytechnic University, Pomona as the institution
- Provide you Bronco ID under "employee number"
- Selecting Courses
- Select the group Export Control (EC)
- You must complete all courses with a passing score of 80% to receive a certificate of completion
- PI's and Co- PI's the certificate of completion should be provided to your designated Office of Research & Spronsed Programs assigned Associate. Principle Investigator, Faculty Advisor or Professors, please ensure the members of your grant/research team completes the Export Control training. We do not require submission of the certificate of completion from the students, and/or additional proposal members, but we do expect them to be readily available from the grant PI/Co-Pi should we need to obtain a copy.
- CITI training is valid for four (4) years, at which point, a renewal training must be completed
- Should you have any questions, contact the Office of Research Compliance orc@cpp.edu
- A transcript (completion report) is generated when you complete the required group of modules, which is evidence of training. Four (4) years is the length of time for which the EC training is valid. This is subject to change should there be changes in regulations or campus policies.
- CITI Program issues course "Completion Certificates" (CCs) that learners may print or share, under the records link in the CITI site.
What Constitutes an Export?
- Any transfer or transmission via written, oral, electronic or visual disclosure and shipment of controlled commodities, technology (information, technical data, or assistance) or software/codes outside the United States to anyone, including U.S. citizens.
- Any transfer or transmission via written, oral, electronic or visual disclosure, to any person or entity of a controlled commodities, technology or software/codes with the intention to transfer it to a non-U.S. entity or individual, regardless of where they are located including a foreign student, a visiting scholar, or other colleagues at CPP.
- Any transfer of these items or information to a foreign embassy or affiliate also constitutes export.
Prior to sharing export-controlled items or information can be shared abroad or on campus, with foreign nationals who may be participating or collaborating on restricted research projects, an export license will be required. For example, the following activities may be restricted:
- Foreign scholars and students to participate in research at CPP, that is restricted by export-control regulation.
- Foreign scholars and students to participate in research at CPP, that is restricted by export-control regulation.
- Any disclosure or discussion by the CPP researchers of previously unpublished research at conferences and meetings where foreign nationals are in attendance.
- CPP researchers are also restricted to engage in collaborations with foreign researchers, including teaching foreign collaborators on how to use export-controlled items in research.
- The transfer of research equipment abroad is also restricted.
As a general rule, most of the research conducted at universities is not subject to export controls, either because the research does not involve export-controlled items or data, or because research involving such items or data is excluded from these regulations.
There are two exclusions that are typically relevant to the research conducted at universities: the fundamental research and the public domain exclusions. However; these exclusions will not
Extra care must be exercised while negotiating and accepting research projects that may be subject to restrictions under export controls. CPP always reserves the right to decline or terminate the agreement if the sponsor imposes restrictions that are considered unreasonable as they relate to the publication of data and access to, or the participation, in the research by foreign nationals. Any agreement which requires that the technical data resulting from the project shall be subject to export control and/or it requires sponsor approval related to the hiring of foreign nationals, it must be evaluated on a case by case basis by Office of Sponsored Programs at CPP.
Federal Agencies Responsible for Export Controls
It is important to note that federal export controls are enforced under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and administered by the Department of Commerce for technologies and information that have dual use such as commercial and potential military use, and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) by the Department of State for military items and defense services. While the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions to protect foreign policy and national security goals.
Frequently encountered export control regulations by the academic research community include the following:
- The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
- Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
- The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
- The International Traffic in Arms Regulations
- US Munitions List
- Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, US Department of State
- Office of Foreign Assets Control
- List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked
Persons List - Boycotted Countries List