Purchasing Goods and Services
Procurement Services administers purchasing activities for all university departments in accordance with responsibility and authority delegated by the University's president.
It is the responsibility of Procurement Services to convert requisitions into purchase orders or contracts using procedures established by legislative regulations, state law, and the policies and directives of the CSU Board of Trustees and the President of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; and to regard each transaction on its own merits and to promote fair, ethical and legal practices.
A Purchasing Matrix Guide (PDF)
Under the delegation to the President the following are authorized methods of procurement of goods and services:
- Direct Pay: Campus Personnel, once approval has been obtained from their department, can directly purchase goods or services selected procurements where Purchasing adds little or no value to the transaction. The list of eligible direct pay transactions and procedures are located under the Direct Payment Process.
- P-Card: Campus personnel can be authorized a limited delegation to purchase goods and services via the P-Card. Please review the program and instructions on establishing a P-Card account under the P-Card Program.
- Purchase Order: All other requests for goods and services that do not fall within the two categories listed above must be handled via a purchase order. Departments must submit a requisition to the Procurement Services Department at procurement@cpp.edu. Procurement will process a purchase order to the vendor, which authorized the goods to be shipped or the services to be performed. Departments are not authorized to commit the University to goods or services under this method of procurement. The requisition form can be found under forms.
NOTE: Purchases made in the name of the university without an authorized purchase order or contract signed by Procurement Services, is a violation of State law and CSU policy. An Unauthorized Purchase Approval Request (UPAR) will need to be complete, sign and review for approval of payment.
- Appointments: Procurement Services staff are seen by appointment only.
- Vendor Parking: Vendors may park outside Building 75 in spaces designated for vendors. Parking is available at no charge.
- Deliveries: Supplies and equipment shall be delivered to Central Receiving, 2740 South Campus Drive, Pomona, CA 91768, unless otherwise specified. All packages must indicate a valid purchase order number.
- Invoices: All invoices must be directed to Cal Poly Pomona, University Accounting Services - Accounts Payable, Bldg. 121-East-2160, 3801 West Temple Ave., Pomona, CA 91768. All invoices must display a valid purchase order number. New vendors must complete a Vendor Data Record (Form 204) prior to issuance of payment.
- Presidential Order 7.8 (March 2009) "Use of Foundation Services and Central Support Resources" regarding campus resources: Requires faculty and staff to use Cal Poly Pomona Foundation services (bookstore, food services, catering, campus lodging) and Graphic Communications Services (printing and publications) for all state or foundation business instead of going off campus. The complete Presidential Order can be found at: https://www.cpp.edu/policies/presidential-orders/presidential_order_foundation_services.shtml
- Software & I&IT Services of $1,000+ require approval of I&IT Chief Information Officer's Office.
- Computer Hardware of $5,000+ require approval of I&IT Chief Information Officer's Office.
- Accessible Technology Initiative requires approval of I&IT Chief Information Officer's Office. Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) policy involves ensuring that all electronic and information technology (E&IT) products meet recognized accessibility and usability standards. ATI includes websites, web applications, telecommunication products, video and multimedia products, software, operating systems, self-contained, closed products, desktop and portable computers.
CSU Contracts & Procurement Link: https://calstate.policystat.com/policy/11714239/latest
- Acquisitions for Goods or Services Less than $50,000 Competition is not required for goods and services on transactions of an amount less than $50,000 unless the campus determines that competition is necessary to develop sources, validate prices, or for other sound business intended to establish fair and reasonable standards.
- Acquisitions for Goods or Services Equal to or Greater than $50,000 and Equal to or Less than $100,000 Acquisitions of personal property and services that are estimated to be equal to or greater than $50,000, and equal to or less than $100,000 may be the result of an informal non-advertised solicitation process. The informal solicitation must be based on a written project scope documenting the requirements and characteristics the goods or services must possess in order for the proposal to be responsive. Written or verbal responses based on the project scope must be obtained from at least three vendors. If less than three responses are received, campuses must document that sufficient outreach and diligence was undertaken before waiving the requirement for three vendors.
- Acquisition for Goods or Services Greater than $100,000 Contracts for Goods and Services greater than $100,000 shall be awarded as the result of a formal solicitation process. The formal solicitation shall comply with all requirements for formal solicitation of goods and services, as applicable per CSU Procurement Policy.
- Acquisitions for ITR Goods or Services Less than $50,000 (NOTE: All ITR related requests require Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) and Information Technology (IT) approvals). Competition is not required for ITR goods and services on transactions of an amount less than $50,000 unless the campus determines that competition is necessary to develop sources, validate prices, or for other sound business reasons intended to establish fair and reasonable standards.
- Acquisitions for ITR Goods or Services, including Consulting, equal to or Greater than $50,000 and Equal to or less than $500,000 Acquisitions of ITR requirements that are estimated to be equal to or greater than $50,000, and equal to or less than $500,000 may be the result of an informal non-advertised solicitation process. The informal solicitation must be based on a written project scope documenting the requirements and characteristics the ITR goods or services must possess in order for the proposal to be responsive. Written or verbal responses based on the project scope must be obtained from at least three vendors. If less than three responses are received, campuses must document that sufficient outreach and diligence was undertaken before waiving the requirement for three responses.
- Acquisitions for ITR Greater than $500,000 Acquisitions of ITR requirements estimated to result in contracts greater than $500,000 shall be awarded as the result of a formal solicitation process. The formal solicitation shall comply with all requirements for formal solicitation of ITR goods or services, as applicable, contained in CSU Procurement Policy.
- Use of Certified DVBE or Certified California Small Businesses Efforts shall be made to procure goods or services from and meet the goals established for Certified DVBE's or California Certified Small Businesses as set forth in the DVBE Goals and the Small and Micro Businesses Policies Respectively.
Additional resources provided under the CSU General Provisions includes the following:
- Purchasing: