Events Banner- Decorative
Prelaw Pathways


Spring 2025 

Flyer for Event Alumni Attorney PanelAlumni Attorney Panel

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 

In person: Bronco Student Center, Andromeda Suite

Learn about different paths to careers in law. Alumni attorneys share their experience and advice. 





Flyer for LSAT PrepLSAT Workshop series 

In person: Building 1, Room 0301 

Zoom: LSAT Workshop series Zoom  

Join us in this LSAT Workshop series to learn about LSAT components, tips on how to best prepare for the test, and practice your LSAT skills. 

The workshops will be held on the following Thursdays at noon: March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27, April 10, April 24, and May 1. 






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