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Prelaw Pathways

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Hands-On Experience

The Cal Poly Pomona Judicial Internship provides students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with court proceedings and build their network with judicial officers. Students registered in the Judicial Internship course (CLS 4410/4410A) spend Monday and Wednesday mornings of the Spring semester visiting and observing court sessions at the LA Superior Courthouse in Pomona, and meeting with judges and lawyers involved in the various courts, including civil, criminal, juvenile etc. The program’s supervising judges also schedule visits to other places of interest, such as a sheriff’s department, forensics lab, court of appeals and more. Every other Friday morning, students meet with the supervising professor to discuss their observations and connect their experiences to academic literature. 

Applications for the Judicial Internship open early Fall semester.  

The Bronco Mock Trial Team is a competitive, award-winning organization that allows students to earn firsthand experience of litigation and courtroom procedure. Mock Trial teaches students the basic trial lawyering skills, including criminal and civil law, rules on presenting evidence in court, how to question witnesses properly, and courtroom demeanor. Students compete at regional competitions each year and hold regular team practices.  

Students who join the team earn course credits in PLS 3080/3080A: Mock Trial, a dynamic course focused on honing your oral and written advocacy skills through real-world legal case studies. This course will challenge you to develop compelling arguments and presentations on contemporary legal issues. 

Tryouts for the team are held during the summer. For more information, visit the Mock Trial website. 

Ethics Bowl is a team-based oral presentation competition where students respond to questions about contemporary ethical controversies and defend their answers before their opponents and expert judges. Ethics Bowl is a valuable activity for any student interested in ethics, as well for students interested in careers in policy, government, or law. Cal Poly Pomona has competed in the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl for a decade with great success, including California regional championships and appearances in the national Ethics Bowl semifinals and quarterfinals. 

Students in Ethics Bowl enroll in a course (PHL 4820) during the Fall semester. Participation in Ethics Bowl is limited, so students interested in participating are encouraged to contact Dr. Itzel Garcia in the spring of the academic year.

PreLaw Curriculum

On this page, you can find suggestions for pre-law courses offered across the University.

Department/Course/Units/GE Area (if applicable)



ABM 4130 - Agricultural Law and Compliance (3) L
ACC 2070 - Financial Accounting for Decision Making (3) B
ACC 2080 - Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (3) B
AG 2050 - Race, Ethnicity and Food Justice (3) (F) S
BUS 2500 - Applied Business Communication (3) C
BUS 4950 - Strategic Management (3) B
CE 4640 - Transportation Planning and Management (3) G
CLS 4410/4410A - Judicial Internship (3) R, W G, L
COM 1100 - Public Speaking (3) (A1) PS
COM 2204 - Advocacy and Argument (3) (A1) PS
COM 3313 - Public Relations Principles (3) C
COM 3314 - Organizational Communication (3) (D4) C
COM 3319 - Public Relations Writing (3) W
COM 3321 - Advanced Organization Communication (3) C
COM 3325 - Persuasion (3) C
COM 3326 - Nonverbal Communication (3) C
COM 3327 - Intercultural Communication (3) (D4) C
COM 3328 - Diversity and Communication (3) C
COM 3340 - Professional Writing and Speaking (3) W, PS
COM 3360 - Communication Law and Ethics (3) L
COM 4233 - Political Economy of Mass Communication (3) (D4) C G
COM 4244 - Organizational Communication and Technology (3) C
COM 4409 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (3) C
COM 4447 - Political Communication (3) (D4) C G
CRM 2201 - Introduction to Criminology (3) G
CRM 3308 - White Collar Crime (3) G
CRM 3318 - Contemporary Treatment of Law Violators (3) G
CRM 3319 - Policing (3) G
CRM 3320 - Probation and Parole (3) G
CRM 3330 - Restorative Justice (3) G
CRM 3350 - Criminological Theory (3) G
CRM 3360 - Juvenile Delinquency (3) G
CRM 3370 - Drug Policy (3) G
CRM 3380 - Political Violence (3) G
CRM 3390 - Media and Crime (3) (D4) G, S
EC 2201 - Principles of Microeconomics (3) (D3) B
EC 2202 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3) (D3) B
EC 4441 - Industry Studies (3) (B5, D4) B, L
EGR 3321/A - CA Boundary Law and Public Lands (3) (D4) G, L
ENG 1103 - First Year Composition (3) (A2) W
ENG 2105 - Written Reasoning (3) (A3) W
ENG 3011 - Literature, Power, and Politics (3) R
ENG 3110 - Introduction to Rhetorical Theory (3) R, CT
ENG 3151 - Writing for the Professions (3) W
EWS 3700 - Race, Gender and the Law/Public Policies (3) (D4) L,S
FRL 1013 - Law for Everyday Living (3) (D3) L
FRL 2013 - The Legal Environment of Business and its Transactions (3) B, L
FRL 3000 - Managerial Finance (3) B
FRL 3253 - Contract Administration (3) L
FRL 3263 - Contract Aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code (3) L
FRL 3273 - Contract Case Study/Practical Application (3) L
FRL 3283 - Contract Cost/Price Techniques-Negotiation (3) B, L
FRL 3293 - Legal and Contract Management Aspects of Federal Government Contract Property (3) L, G
FRL 3832 - Real Estate Finance (3) B
FRL 3862 - Real Property Management (3) B
FRL 4013 - Government Regulation of Business (Administrative Law and Regulation) (3) B, L, G
FRL 4033 - Law of Financial Transactions (3) B, L
FRL 4083 - Law for Accountants (3) B, L
FRL 4263 - Legal Aspects of International Business (International Business Law) (3) L
FRL 4503 - International Law and Dispute Settlement (3) L
FRL 4842 - Real Estate Law (3) L
FRL 4872 - Practices and Applications of Real Estate Law (3) L
FST 3220 - Food Laws and Regulations (3) L
GEO 3130 - Legal and Political Geography (3) (A) G, L
GEO 4130 - Environmental Law (3) L
HRT 2400 - Hospitality Management Law (3) L
HST 4012 - Constitutional and Legal History of the U.S. (3) L
HST 4405 - Immigrants in American Life (3) S
HST 4406 - Women in the United States (3) (C3, D4) S
HST 4407 - History of American Workers, 1877-Present (3) (D4) S, B
HST 4434 - Ancient Law (3) L
IBM 3012 - Principles of Marketing Management (3) B
MAT 1250 - Introductory Calculus for Business (3) (B4) B
MHR 3010 - Principles of Management (3) B
MHR 3020 - Organizational Behavior (3) (D4) B
MHR 3030 - Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations (3) B
MHR 3210 - Human Resources Management (3) B, L
MHR 4010 - Business Ethics, Diversity and Social Responsibility (3) B
MHR 4040 - Conflict Management in Organizations (3) B
MHR 4250 - Employment Law (3) B, L
MHR 4270 - Management Union Relations (3) B
MPA 5010 - Public Policy Formation and Implementation (3) G
MPA 5080 - Public Service Ethics (3) G
MPA 5100 - Theories of Public Administration and Democratic Governance (3) G
MPA 5200 - Intergovernmental Relations (3) G
MPA 5225 - City Management (3) G
MPA 5245 - Non-Governmental Organizations (3) B
MPA 5255 - Administrative Law (3) L
MPA 5265 - Crisis/Emergency Management (3) G
MPA 5285 - Leadership in Public Organizations (3) G
MPA 5500 - Public Policy Program Evaluation (3) G, L
MPA 5585 - Urban Governance, Politics, and Administration (3) G, L
MPA 5605 - Criminal Justice: Politics and Administration (3) G, L
MPA 5655 - Community Sustainability Policy (3) S, G
MU 3961 - Music Publishing, Copyright, and Licensing (3) L
PHL 2010 - Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy (3) (C2) CT
PHL 2020 - Critical Thinking (3) (A3) CT
PHL 2040 - Ethical Problems in Contemporary Life (3) (C2) CT
PHL 2050 - Business and Professional Ethics (3) (C2) CT B
PHL 2180 - Logic and Computing (3) (B4) CT
PHL 2900 - Philosophy Proseminar II: Philosophical Methods (3) CT
PHL 3090 - Moral Philosophy (3) CT
PHL 3100 - Social and Political Philosophy (3) CT S, G
PHL 3110 - Philosophical Issues in the Law (3) (C3, D4) CT L
PHL 3330 - Bioethics (3) (B5, C3) CT
PHL 3540 - The Philosophy and Science of Implicit Bias (3) (C3, D4) CT S
PHL 3810 - Race and Racism (3) (C3, D4) CT S
PHL 3830 - Philosophy of Science (3) (B5) CT
PHL 4090 - Contemporary Moral Theory (3) CT
PHL 4200 - Feminist Philosophy (3) CT S
PHL 4300 - Ethics, Environment, and Society (3) CT S
PHL 4350 - Clinical Ethics Practicum (3) CT
PHL 4400 - Seminar in Law and Values (3) CT S
PHL 4610 - Senior Seminar in Philosophy (3) CT
PHL 4750 - Global Justice (3) CT S
PLS 2010 - Introduction to American Government (3) (D2) G
PLS 2040 - Introduction to Political Thought (3) CT G
PLS 2051 - Introduction to Research Methods (3) CT G
PLS 2060 - Introduction to Public Administration (3) G
PLS 2070 - Introduction to Public Law (3) L, G
PLS 3011 - Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers (3) L
PLS 3021 - Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties (3) L
PLS 3031 - Constitutional Law: Criminal Justice (3) L
PLS 3041 - The Criminal Justice System (3) L, S
PLS 3055/A - Advanced Research Methods (3) CT, M G
PLS 3080/3080A - Mock Trial (3) L
PLS 3150 - Politics of Public Policy (3) G
PLS 3165 - Urban Administration, Politics, and Policy (3) G
PLS 3250 - The American Congress (3) G
PLS 3260 - The American Presidency (3) G
PLS 3270 - The American Judiciary (3) L, G
PLS 3311 - Ancient & Medieval Political Thought (3) CT G
PLS 3321 - Modern Political Thought (3) CT G
PLS 3331 - American Political Thought (3) CT G
PLS 3561 - International Law (3) L
PLS 4050 - Jurisprudence (3) L
PLS 4090 - Contemporary Issues in American Law (3) L
PLS 4160 - Public Organizations (3) G
PLS 4170/A - Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation (3) G
PLS 4205 - American Political Institutions and Behavior (3) (D4) G
PLS 4231 - Race and Ethnic Politics in the United States (3) G, S
PLS 4250 - Women and Politics in America (3) G, S
PLS 4341 - Advanced American Political Thought (3) CT G
PLS 4360 - Contemporary Political Theory (3) CT G
PLS 4381 - Environmental Political Theory (3) CT G
PLS 4811 - California Government (3) (D4) G
PLS 4815 - Environmental Politics & Policy (3) (D4) G
PSY 2201 - Introduction to Psychology (3) (E) S
PSY 3303 - Physiological Psychology (3) S
PSY 3305 - Basic Developmental Psychology (3) S
PSY 3311 - Child Psychology: Middle Childhood (3) S
PSY 3312 - Adolescent Psychology (3) S
PSY 3314 - Human Relations in Organizations (3) S
PSY 3321 - Psychology of Identity (3) S
PSY 3322 - Psychology of Women (3) S
PSY 3325 - Multicultural Psychology (3) (D4) S
PSY 3332 - Organizational Psychology (3) S
PSY 3333 - Industrial Psychology (3) S
PSY 3334 - Cognitive Processes (3) S
PSY 3335 - Memory and Amnesia (3) S
PSY 4250 - Community Psychology (3) S
PSY 4401 - Social Psychology (3) S
PSY 4403 - Psychology of Personality (3) S
PSY 4450 - Principles of Behavior Modification (3) S
PSY 4490 - Leadership and Teams (3) S
PSY 5570 - Ethical Issues in Counseling and Family Therapy (3) S
SOC 3345 - Crime, Criminalization and Society (3) (D4) S
SOC 3350 - Immigration and Migration (3) S
SOC 3380 - Political Sociology (3) S
SOC 4250 - Demography and Public Policy (3) S, G
STA 1200 - Statistics with Applications (3) (B4) M
SW 3310 - Social Welfare Policy and Issues (3) S
SW 3322 - Family Violence (3) S
SW 4440 - Human Rights (3) S
TH 1250/A - Introduction to Acting (3) (C1) PS
TH 1510/A - Acting (2) PS
TOM 3010 - Operations Management (3) B
URP 1040/L - The City in Context: History, Politics, Environment (3) (D3) S, G
URP 3050/L - Social Context for Urban Change (3) S, G
URP 3510/A - Planning and Land Use Law (3) L
URP 4210/A - Planning Advocacy, Community Organizing and Social Change (3) G
URP 4820 - California Water (3) (D4) G
URP 5060 - Land Use Planning Law and Intergovernmental Relations (3) L


Additional Resources

Oversite for Law School go to the Attend a Law School Forum site.

Check our the ABA standard report the school's curriculum, demographics, etc. at:
ABA Reports

Look at the school's placement record and bar passing rate:
School's Stats

Another tool: Law School Transparency

To find a list of ABA (American Bar Association) accredited law schools, go to:
ABA Accredited Schools

Some law schools in California are accredited by the State Committee of Bar Examiners. These are not ABA accredited. To find these, go to: The State Bar of California

Do not attend an unaccredited school!

Several websites are now available that will give you a sense of your chances of being admitted to a given law school: 

The AccessLex Scholarship databank allows you to search scholarship opportunities and writing competitions. You can access the databank here.

Each year, LSAC partners with host law schools to prepare aspiring legal professionals for law school success. Through a unique immersive learning experience, the LSAC PLUS Program offers selected participants a window into what law school is really like while providing supportive insights about the law school enrollment journey.

The PLUS Program is specifically aimed at undergraduate students and prospective law school applicants one year away from applying who are from minoritized groups that are underrepresented in the legal profession. There is no cost to apply or to attend the program if selected. All PLUS participants who successfully complete the program will receive a $1,000 stipend and an LSAC fee waiver.

Click here for more information, host school deadlines, and application.