
About and FAQs


Contact Information

Who oversees PolyStrengths?

PolyStrengths is a joint collaboration between New Student Programs & Family Engagement and the Bronco Leadership Center (formerly known as Student Engagement, Leadership and Success).

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m.  - 5:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Phone: (909) 869-2841

Location: Building 26, Room 124
Building 26 is the old stables, across from the Bronco Student Center, and in-between the Library and Bookstore

Email: sels@cpp.edu 

Frequently Asked Questions

Every person is unique! You bring your unique experience, culture, and other values with you wherever you go. CliftonStrengths tells you what you are innately good at, and if you focus on your top 5 strengths you will be successful in whatever you choose to do. After you receive your strengths, make sure to read your insight report to receive your customized plan on how to utilize your strengths both in and out of the classroom.

The assessment is included for all Fall 2024 first-time freshmen and transfer students.

To see your strengths results, visit your Gallup Strengths Dashboard (gallup.com).

The research from Gallup shows that students do not need to retake the assessment every year.