Innovation Incubator

What is a Badge?

A digital badge is a visual representation of skills or knowledge you have gained and learned during a course or activity. You earn badges each time you successfully attend, participate in, and complete one of Cal Poly Pomona’s digital badge courses or activities. By taking these types of courses or participating in these types of activities and are able to build your own set of digital credentials to demonstrate your learning. Badges earned through Cal Poly Pomona are organized in a hierarchy that you can build upon.

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Benefits of earning a badge?

By earning a badge, you are providing employers with a quick and convenient way to digitally verify your acquired skills and knowledge at a glance. Digital badges provide a unique benefit during job searches because they allow prospective employers to discover qualified employees like you based specifically on your professionally relevant skills and experience. This can assist you in moving one step ahead of the competition during the hiring process.

Who can earn a badge?

All Cal Poly students, faculty, and staff can earn digital badges. When you're ready to start your digital badge journey, simply log on using your CPP credentials.

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What is a Pathway?

What is a pathway? Pathways were created to illustrate a specific learning journey. Pathways help learners see what they’ve done and what to do next. Pathways provide the ability for badge program administrators to map out badged curriculum in a format that is easy-to-follow for learners. 

Completing Pathways

Admins can track group and individual progress on the pathway and award milestone badges automatically. Learners can track their own progress and look ahead to plan the next steps in their learning journey.

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Honors digital badging at Illinois State University

Digital Badges for Students

Learn more about digital badging with this short video.

What is a Badge?

How do we recognize and value the way we learn today? Badges are a new idea to recognize the learning that happens anywhere and share it in the places that matter.

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