Graduate Studies

Formatting - Master's Projects and Theses

Congratulations on moving one step closer to completion of your graduate degree and graduation! Master's theses and projects are representative of Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) scholarship and are considered University records. The University Library keeps a digital, permanent, copy of theses and projects within the Bronco ScholarWorks institutional repository and retains non-exclusive rights to the work as a matter of record.

Master's Theses OR Project (Full Report)

All Master’s Theses submissions (as opposed to projects) must submit the full document. In some cases, the full report of a Master’s Project is submitted.

In order to support the submission process, the University Library will work with students to review their document. Prior to submitting their final thesis or project to Bronco ScholarWorks students are required to have it reviewed for formatting errors and to ensure that it meets the University’s standards for publication in the institutional repository. Please review this sample guide (pdf) BEFORE requesting a formatting review appointment.

Abstract Submission

Certain departments have been authorized to submit project abstracts only, due to circumstances including but not limited to copyright, patents, proprietary information, and privacy. If your department and committee have authorized this style of submission, you will only be required to submit an abstract. These submissions do not require a formatting review. They are submitted electronically by filling out the form in step #10 in the Graduate Studies Checklist.

hose submitting only an abstract are verified to do so on their Report of Culminating Experience (RCE). If you are required to submit a full project report to Bronco ScholarWorks, please follow the steps indicated in the section above.

Additional information

The University Library has prepared an additional guide with resources to assist students in formatting theses and full projects, which you can access it here.

Please note that some programs format their theses/project using LaTeX instead of Microsoft Word. Please check with your department for preferred formatting software. The sample guide is just a sample of a standard thesis/project with tips on how to navigate some functions within Microsoft Word. It is not intended to provide a complete template for your thesis or project. Please contact your thesis or project advisor about which citation style is standard in your field, and for any other specific expectations.