Fearless Campus™
Fearless Resources


The Importance of Psychological Safety For Hispanic College Students: HACU 2023

Dr. JC Cañedo, and Professor Nichole Dwyer presented “The Importance of Psychological Safety for Hispanic College Students” at the 37th annual HACU conference in Chicago on October 29, 2023. The presentation was based on findings from the Cal Poly Pomona university-wide Fearless Classroom study.  More than 100 attendees included university and college administrators, advisors, and faculty. [Read More]
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Equity Minded Classroom Pedagogy

Sally Romero MLIS and Paul Hottinger MLIS representing the university library presented this poster presentation highlighting the Fearless Classroom at the 2022 California Academic and Research Libraries Association conference. [Read More]

Title IX, Discrimination, and Harassment Edition

The Fearless Classroom: Title IX, Discrimination, and Harassment Edition

2022 MPP Retreat Courageous Leadership in a Post Pandemic Environment

This presentation was given on April 14th at the Cal Poly Pomona 2022 MPP Leadership Retreat which focused on courageous leadership in a post-pandemic environment. The speakers introduced the Fearless Campus as an institutional vision, courageous leadership as the action, and psychological safety as a team outcome.