Nastaran Simarasl

Nastaran Simarasl

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management, Management and Human Resources, College of Business Administration

Courses Taught

1. Capstone Strategic Management

  • Topics: Strategic management process, external analysis, internal (resource) analysis, competitor analysis, goal setting, mission/vision setting, strategy formulation, execution, and assessment, performance, profitability, growth. 

2. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

  • Topics: Ideation, creativity, customer discovery, business models, intellectual property, legal structures.

3. Social Entrepreneurship

  • Topics: Social ventures, non-profits, stakeholder management, co-creation with the community, social impact, impact measurement, legal structures, scaling social impact.

4. Business Consulting

  • Topics: Business consultation basics, client relationship management, survey design, data collection, data analysis, developing recommendations, consulting report development, professional presentation of findings to the client. ​

5. Business Analytics Innovation and Idea Development (graduate-level)

  • Topics: Teamwork in business analytics projects, defining problem statement, analytic objectives, literature review, research methods, findings and recommendations.
  • Approach: Project-based (master's thesis)