Bonny Burns-Whitmore

Bonny Burns-Whitmore

Professor Emerita, Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Huntley College of Agriculture


  1. Burns-Whitmore B, Froyen E. Essential Fatty Acids in the Vegan/Total Vegetarian Diet. Atlas in Science.
  2. Edens, D, Burns-Whitmore, B. Experiences of students in a didactic program in dietetics. Journal of Education and Training. 2021. doi:10.5296/jet.vi91.18108
  3. Burns-Whitmore, B. Alpha-Linolenic and Linoleic Fatty Acids. In: Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. 2021.
  4. Froyen, E. and Burns-Whitmore. The Effects of Linoleic Acid Consumption on Lipid Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Disease in Healthy Individuals: A Review of Human Intervention Trials to Nutrients. 2020. doi:10.3390/nu12082329.
  5. Burns-Whitmore, B; Froyen, E. Nutritional Deficiencies Associated with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Elderly/Older Adults. Gerontology & Geriatric Research. 2020,
  6. Burns-Whitmore, B, Froyen, E, Heskey C, *Parker T, *San Pablo G. Alpha-Linolenic and Linoleic Fatty Acids in the Vegan and Strict Vegetarian Diets: Do they require Dietary Reference Intake/Adequate Intake Special Consideration? Nutrients. Special edition-Science of Vegetarian Nutrition. 2019. org/10.3390/nu11102365
  7. *Makhlouf, S; Jones, S; Ye, S-H; Sancho-Madriz, M; Burns-Whitmore, B; Li, Y. Effect of selected dietary fibre sources and addition levels on physical and cooking quality attributes of fibre-enhanced pasta. Food Quality and Safety, 2019. DOI: 10.1093/fqsafe/fyz010.
  8. *Lopez, A; Edens, D; Burns-Whitmore, B; Kessler, LA. An evaluation of the factors influencing participation in the National School Lunch Program for Latino students during middle and high school. CA Journal of Health Promotion.2018, 16(2) .
  9. *Tao, J.; Davidov, G, Burns-Whitmore, B; Cullens, E; Li, Yao O. Effects of Edible Insect Ingredients on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Extruded Rice Products. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. 2017, 3: 263 – 278.
  10. Burns-Whitmore B, *Bushnell AH, *Towne AH, Roy S, Hall LM. Pistachio Consumption at 20% of Energy Does Not Significantly Change Body Composition, Blood Pressure or Blood Lipids but Improves Diet Quality in Free-Living, Healthy College-Aged Women. Food and Nutrition Journal.2017, 6:1-11.
  11. *Meeks L, *Reynaga A, *Worland C, Jo E, Dunn S, Wein M, Burns-Whitmore B. Four-week pedometer-metered step walking decreases waist and hip circumference in healthy college students: A pilot study. Californian J of Health Promotion.2017,15(1):1-12.
  12. *Olivares L, Burns-Whitmore B, Kessler, LA. Retaining dietetic undergraduate students of diverse backgrounds through mentoring and professional development. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015,115(5 Supp):S10-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.02.023 (reprinted)
  13. *West AA, *Shih Y, Wang W, Oda K, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Sabaté J, Haddad E, Rajaram S, Caudill MA, & Burns-Whitmore B. Egg n-3 Fatty Acid Composition Modulates Biomarkers of Choline Metabolism in Free-Living Egg Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian Women of Reproductive Age. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.2014. 1594–1600
  14. Burns-Whitmore B, Haddad E, Sabaté J, Rajaram, S. Effects of supplementing n-3 fatty acid enriched eggs and walnuts on cardiovascular disease risk markers in healthy free-living lacto-ovo-vegetarians: a randomized, crossover, free-living intervention study. Nutrition Journal 2014, 13:29. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-13-29.
  15. *Olivares L, Burns-Whitmore B, Kessler, LA. Retaining dietetic undergraduate students of diverse backgrounds through mentoring and professional development. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2014, 114(2):189-194.
  16. *Khayef, G, *Young J, Burns-Whitmore BL, Spalding T. Effects of fish oil supplementation on inflammatory acne. Lipids in Health and Disease.2012, 11:165.DOI:10.1186/1476-511X-11-165.
  17. *Yan J, *Winter LB, Burns-Whitmore B, Vermeylen F, Caudill MA. Plasma choline metabolites associate with metabolic stress among young overweight men in a genotype-specific manner. Nutrition and Diabetes. 2012 Oct;2 (e49):doi:10.1038/nutd.2012.23.
  18. *Somerville M, Kessler, LA, Wallace, SP, Burns-Whitmore, B. The effects of a garden-based nutrition education program on the consumption of fruits and vegetables by Hispanic children. Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention:20-25.
  19. Kessler LA, Burns-Whitmore, B. Student perceptions of reflection tools used in a service-learning community nutrition course. NACTA. 2010.55(3):67-69.
  20. Burns-Whitmore BL, Haddad EH, Sabaté, J, Jaceldo-Siegl J, Oda K, Rajaram S. N-3 fatty acid enriched eggs and organic eggs increase serum lutein in free-living lacto-ovo vegetarians Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Nov;64(11):1332-7. Epub 2010 Jul 28.
  21. Kessler LA and Burns-Whitmore B. Focus groups reveal dietetic students’ opinions on the addition of cultural competency training to the dietetic curriculum. 54(4):5-8.
  22. *Toma A, Botero-Omary M, Marquarrt, L, Arndt E, Burns-Whitmore B, Kessler L, et al. Children’s Acceptance, Nutritional, and Instrumental Evaluations of Whole Grain and Soluble Fiber Enriched Foods.J Food Sci. 2009 Jun;74(5):H139-46.
  23. Thiosulfinates from Garlic, and Glucosinolates. B. Whitmore, A.S. Naidu ed. In: Natural Food Antimicrobial Systems. CRC Publishing 2000.