Bonny Burns-Whitmore

Bonny Burns-Whitmore

Professor Emerita, Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Huntley College of Agriculture


Presentation of Research-Oral and Poster

*Cao, N; Johnson, MB; Burns-Whitmore, B. The effect of avocados on cardiovascular risk factors. Creative Activities and Research Symposium (CARS). August, 2024.

*Huynh, J; Burns-Whitmore, B; Isom, KA; Subhan, F. Implications of dietary and lifestyle habits on the possible development of head and neck cancers. In conjunction with University of Alberta (Canada). ASN, May 2024, Chicago, Il.

*Chan, S; Subhan, F; Burns-Whitmore, B; Froyen, E. The effect of ketogenic diet on physical performance, nutrient intake, and mood of active and sedentary adults. California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, San Francisco, CA March 2023.

*Cao, N; Burns-Whitmore, B; *Rezaei, H. Dietary and Satiety Comparisons of Freeze-Dried Grape Powder and Placebo in Healthy Adults – a Pilot Study. RSCA, February 2023.

*Carrillo, S; *Mendez, N; *Lee, Y; Burns-Whitmore, B. The n-3 fatty acid and probiotic study. McNair Forum and Project Hatchery. May 2022.

*Carrillo, S; *Mendez, N; *Lee, Y; Burns-Whitmore, B. The n-3 fatty acid and probiotic study. Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Presentations (RSCA), Cal Poly Pomona, March 2022.

Froyen, E.; Burns-Whitmore, B. The effects of linoleic acid on lipid risk markers for cardiovascular disease. Current Developments in Nutrition, American Society of Nutrition Online, June 2021.

*Elick, C; Elam, M; Edens, D; Flores, R; Burns-Whitmore, B. Effects of feeding virgin coconut oil on anthropometric and biochemical measures and mood in healthy adults: a pilot study. American Society of Nutrition Online, June 2021.

*Elick, C; Elam, M; Edens, D; Flores, R; Burns-Whitmore, B. Effects of feeding virgin coconut oil on anthropometric and biochemical cardiovascular risk measure and mood in healthy adults: a pilot study. California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Online, April 2021.

*Mendez N; Burns-Whitmore, B. The Breakfast Bar Study. Research Creative Scholarly Activity-Online Undergraduate Research Symposium, March 2021, Pomona, CA.

*McDorman R, *Garcia H, Edens, D. Burns-Whitmore, B. Short-term body composition changes and hematobiochemical response to topical vitamin patch supplementation as compared to oral vitamin supplementation pre- and post-laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Obesity Week, October 2017, Washington DC.

*Bunawan S., Edens D., Gordon A, Burns-Whitmore B. Dietary differences between vegetarian and omnivore female college students. Experimental Biology, April 2017, Chicago, Il.

*Lopez A., Edens D., Kessler L., Burns-Whitmore B. An Evaluation of the Factors Influencing Participation in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) for Latino Students during Middle School and High School Years. California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. April 2017, Pomona, CA.

*Meeks L., *Reynaga A., *Worland C., *Bradfield L., Wien M., Dunn S., Jo E., Burns-Whitmore B. The effects of pedometer-metered walking on body composition, blood glucose, diet alternations, blood pressure, and waist to hip ratios in college -aged participants-a pilot study. Experimental Biology, April 2016, San Diego, CA.

*Wu H., *Sung A., Burns-Whitmore B., Jo E., Wien M. Effect of chia seed consumption on body composition, weight, post-prandial glucose and satiety. Experimental Biology, April 2016, San Diego, CA.

Burns-Whitmore B., *Hayes L., Phillips J. Effects of pistachios on nutrient intake and diet quality in female university students. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo. October 2015, Nashville, TN

*Bill H, Kessler L, Burns-Whitmore B. Focus Groups Reveal College Athletes Preferences and Thoughts on Nutrition Education. California Dietetic Association meeting. April 2015, Riverside, CA.

*Zagorski J., Burns-Whitmore B. Effects of chia consumption on blood pressure. Kellogg Honor’s College Capstone, May 2015, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.

*Worland C, & Burns-Whitmore B. Evaluation of the effects of motivational Intervention with walking exercise on waist to hip ratios of college students. Kellogg Honors College Capstone, May 2015, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.

Burns-Whitmore, B., Kerber C, Wallace S, Kessler L. Latino Community Recipe Modifications made Healthier by Students in an Experimental Foods Class. (2014) Institute of Food Technologists. Chicago, Il.

*Reynaga A, *Meeks L, Burns-Whitmore, B. Presentation Title: Evaluation: The Effects of Pedometer-metered Walking on Resting Blood Glucose Levels of College-aged Participants-a Pilot Study. 10th Annual College of Science Research Symposium

Kessler L, *Olivares, L., Wallace S., Burns-Whitmore, B. (August 2013) Estudiante de Dietético: Dietetics undergraduate curriculum and mentoring program. Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Conference. Portland, OR.

*Hipsley, J, Burns-Whitmore B. The Resistant Pasta Study. Kellogg Honors College Capstone, May 2016, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.

*Tang, Ellen, Burns-Whitmore B. Examination of Height Changes in Bariatric Patients Before and After Surgery. Kellogg Honors College Capstone, May 2017, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.

*Farias, K., Burns-Whitmore B. The effects of feeding chia on blood pressure and waist to hip circumference. Kellogg Honors College Capstone, May 2017, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.

*Kerber, C. Kessler, L., Burns-Whitmore, B. (August 2013) Improving the dietetics curriculum with Latino community nutrition. Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Conference. Portland, OR.

*Johnson, M., Burns-Whitmore, B., Spalding, T., Sancho-Madriz. M.F. (April 2013). Effects of avocados on blood lipids in healthy participants. Experimental Biology, Boston MA.

*Carmona, V, Burns-Whitmore, B. (2012) The Prevalence of Food Insecurity among Students at California State Polytechnic University. SCCURS, Camarillo, CA. *Kerber, C., Kessler L.A., Wallace S., Burns-Whitmore B. (2012) Utilization of the dietetics curriculum and students to improve nutritional intake of Latinas by modifying traditional Hispanic recipes. Annual ARI Research Showcase, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA*Somerville, M., Kessler, L.A., Burns-Whitmore, B. (April 2012) The Effect of a Garden-Based Nutrition Education Program on the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables by Hispanic Children Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of the California Dietetic Association, Ontario, CA.

Kessler, L.A., Wallace, S., *Olivares, L., Gordon, A., Burns-Whitmore, B. (2012) Estudiante de Dietética: Update and Evaluation of Mentoring Component Poster presentation at the NACTA 2012 annual conference, Madison, Wisconsin

*Ko, C., Burns-Whitmore, B., Spalding, T., Bidlack, W.R. (2012) Effects of Dietary Calcium Intake in Women with and without Premenstrual Symptoms. Experimental Biology, San Diego, Ca.

*Ongkoputro, E., Burns-Whitmore, B., Spalding, T., Sokmen, B., Bidlack, W.R. (2012) The effects of feeding cinnamon postprandial blood glucose and lactate in trained endurance athletes. Experimental Biology, San Diego, Ca.

*Olivares, L., Kessler, L. & Burns-Whitmore, B. (2011). Development and implementation of a mentoring program for undergraduate dietetic students. Presented at the Annual Conference of the California Dietetic Association, Pasadena, Ca.

Kessler, L., Burns-Whitmore B., Gordon, A., & Wallace, S. (2011). Estudiante de Dietética, a Spanish curriculum for dietetic undergraduates: Report on year 1. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the California Dietetic Association, Pasadena, Ca.

Kessler, L., Burns-Whitmore, B., Gordon, A., & Wallace, S. (2011). Estudiante de Dietética, A Spanish curriculum for dietetic undergraduates: A midway update. Poster presented at the American Dietetic Association Annual Conference, San Diego, Ca.

*Olivares, L., Burns-Whitmore, B., & Kessler, L. (2011). Retaining dietetic undergraduate students with diverse backgrounds through a mentoring program in the Estudiante Dietética project. Presented at the American Dietetic Association Annual Conference, San Diego, Ca.

Kessler, L., Wallace, S., Burns-Whitmore, B., Gordon, A., & *Olivares, L. (2011). Estudiante de Dietética: Update on participants and mentoring program. Poster presented at the NACTA 2011 Annual Conference, Alberta, Canada.

*Shih, Y., Wang, W., Oda, K., Jaceldo-Seigl, K., Sabate, J., Haddad, E., Rajaram, S., Caudill, M., Burns-Whitmore, B. (2011) Feeding eggs improves plasma markers of choline status. Experimental Biology-FASEB  Washington DC.

Yan, J., *Winter, L.B., Burns-Whitmore, B, Vermeylen, F., Caudill, M.A. (2011) Choline metabolism biomarkers predict the risk of metabolic unfitness among young men. Experimental Biology-FASEB  Washington DC.

Kessler, L.A., Burns-Whitmore, B. (2010) Students Feedback on Reflection Tools in a Service-Learning Community Nutrition. Stories of Successful Learning. Provost Symposium California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Northcott, F.E., Burns-Whitmore, B., Kessler, L.A. (2009). Excessive Sodium and Limited Vitamin A and Potassium Provided by Food Pantry Packages. American Dietetic Association Meeting in Denver Colorado Oct 17-20.

Burns-Whitmore, B. (2008) ASPEN-Sources, Importance, Effects, Possible Applications and Contraindications of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Irvine, CA.

Burns-Whitmore, B., *Senn, C., *Ramirez, B., Kessler, L., Lewis, D. (December 15, 2008), Comparisons of body composition and nutrient intake of low-income Latina women receiving

foods from a food pantry versus receiving food from a food pantry and other food programs. Presented student (Graduate and undergraduate) at Cal Poly Pomona Provost’s Symposium.

Segovia-Siapco, G., Burns-Whitmore, B., Sabaté, J., Rajaram, S. Plasma lipids and body composition (2008) A comparison of lacto-ovo vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Experimental Biology, FASEB-San Diego, California.

Burns-Whitmore, B., Segovia-Siapco, G., Sabaté, J., Rajaram, S. (2008) Comparison of body composition of lacto-ovo vegetarians and omnivores. Fifth International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition March 4-6, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.

Degen, C.L., Damico, D. Mentor: Dr. Bonny Burns-Whitmore (2007). Duo-trio tests determine no sensory differences between enhanced n-3 fatty acid and regular eggs. Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research-Cal State L.A.

Burns-Whitmore, B., Sapwarobol, S., Haddad, E.H., Sabaté, J., Rajaram, S. (2007). N-3 Fatty Acid Enriched Egg Decreases C-Reactive Protein in Healthy Adults. FASEB J. 2007 21:704.5.

Burns-Whitmore, B., Griffith-Forde, L., Tanzman, J., Haddad, E., Sabaté, J., Rajaram, S.(2006) N-3 Fatty Acid Enriched Egg and Organic Egg Intake Increases Serum Lutein Levels in Healthy Adults. FASEB J. 2006 20:A1058.

Burns-Whitmore, Segovia-Siapco, G., Rajaram, S., Sabaté., J. (2006). Comparison of Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Composition of Lacto-ovo Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians. FASEB J. 2006 20:A1025.

Burns-Whitmore, B., Rajaram, S., Haddad, E., Sabaté, J. (2005).  Effects of n-3 enriched eggs vs. walnuts on blood lipids in free-living lacto-ovo vegetarians. FASEB J.2005 -San Diego, CA.

*Damico, D.P., Burns-Whitmore, B. (2005). Efficacy and importance of employing

sensory outcomes in a single-blinded feeding study. Institute of Food Technologists-New Orleans, LA.

*Indicates student researcher