Faculty Pre-Retirement and Early Retirement Teaching Options
Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Base (PRTB), outlined in Article 30 (pdf) of the CBA allows eligible faculty to work less than full-time for up to five years prior to retirement while continuing to accrue full service credit toward retirement.
Deadline to apply for PRTB participation in AY 2025-2026: EXTENDED TO APRIL 4, 2025
- About the Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Base Program (pdf)
- PRTB Request Form (pdf)
- FERP vs PRTB (pdf)
The Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP), outlined in Article 29 (pdf) of the CBA allows tenured faculty eligible for CalPERS retirement to retire and continue teaching for a maximum of five consecutive years at a time base of fifty percent (50%) of the employee's regular time base in the year preceding retirement.
Deadline to apply for FERP participation in AY 2025-2026: EXTENDED TO APRIL 4, 2025
- About the Faculty Early Retirement Program (pdf)
- FERP Request Form (pdf) and Retired Annuitant Certification (pdf)
- Reductions Not Taken From FERP Paycheck (pdf)
- FERP Workshop Powerpoint Presentation (pdf)
- Working while receiving Social Security benefits (SSA Publication No. 05-10069) (pdf)
- How much can I earn and still get Social Security benefits? (SSA webpage information)
Faculty Retirement
- CalPERS Retirement Planning Checklist and CalPERS Workshops and Webinars
- Paycheck Deductions Not Taken From Your CalPERS Pension (pdf)
- Disability Retirement
- 401K, 403(b) and 457 Voluntary Supplemental Retirement Plans
- Learn about Social Security Benefits and retirement planning (SSA webpage information)
- CalPERS Retirement Estimate Calculator
- CPP Benefits Retirement Information page
- Applying for Retirement
Faculty CalPERS Post-retirement Employment: Retired Annuitants
Under certain conditions, CalPERS retirees may accept limited CSU post-retirement employment without reinstatement or penalty. For more information:
- Retired Annuitant Appointments Human Resources Information
- A Guide to CalPERS Employment After Retirement (Publication 33, February 2019) (pdf)
- Retired Annuitant Certification (pdf)
- Working while receiving Social Security benefits (SSA Publication No. 05-10069) (pdf)
- How much can I earn and still get Social Security benefits? (SSA webpage information)
Faculty Resignations
University Manual Policy on Resignation Procedure (pdf)
Faculty Separation from Employment
All University employees must complete the clearance process prior to departure from campus.
Emeritus Faculty Status
Emeritus status is given upon retirement to faculty with a minimum of 10 years of university service. Departments are asked to send their recommendations to the Academic Senate Office (98-P2-8) before the April deadline.
Post-Retirement Engagement
The California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty & Staff Association (CSU-ERFSA)
CSU-ERFSA is a statewide organization open to all CSU system retired faculty and staff members. Emeritus status is not required. CSU-ERFSA publishes a newsletter and also has a grant awards program for retired faculty members who are continuing their research and scholarly activities. CSU-ERFSA membership is required to be eligible to compete for funding for this program.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (OLLIs)
The 124 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (OLLIs) span all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Each is a part of a college or university and is funded in part by The Bernard Osher Foundation. Find an OSHER Institute near you.