Cal Poly Pomona Student Research Conference


RSCA Horse, Student RSCA Conference

Student Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference


The 13th Student RSCA Conference will be held on March 1, 2025 at Cal Poly Pomona. For more information where presentations will be taking place, please visit our Schedule.

Photo of Ever Barraza.

Welcome to the 13th Annual Student RSCA Conference!

Thank you for joining us in the 13th annual celebration of the wide-ranging creative activities, research, and scholarship that showcase the Signature Polytechnic Experiences (PolyX) at Cal Poly Pomona. We would like to congratulate the students and their mentors for the work that is being presented here today. Thank you to all of the participants, including faculty moderators, judges, administrators, staff, alumni, and student volunteers who have made this event possible.

It is the goal of the Office of Undergraduate Research to highlight student creative activities, research, and scholarship and to provide them with opportunities to share their work with the campus and broader community. The work being presented here today represents the finest efforts of our faculty and staff in preparing our students to become tomorrow’s problem solvers, entrepreneurs, leaders, teachers, artists, and scholars.

It is our privilege and pleasure to host and present the 13th Annual Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Conference to the Cal Poly Pomona community, and we look forward to the many conferences that are to come.


Dr. Ever Barraza
Director, Office of Undergraduate Research