Cal Poly Pomona Student Research Conference

Distinguished RSCA Staff Award

 2024 Staff Award Winner, Duncan Mckee

Congratulations to our 2024 Distinguished Staff Awardee, Duncan Mckee!

Nominate a Staff Member involved in Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities

The Office of Undergraduate Research wants to recognize and celebrate our hard-working staff at Cal Poly Pomona. "Staff" typically refers to both Foundation and State employees who work in administrative, support, or service positions, such as office staff, program coordinators, lab technicians, and IT personnel. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the college and ensure that it runs smoothly, efficiently, and effectively.

The  Distinguished RSCA Staff Award  is intended to recognize a staff member who distinguishes themselves in supporting the basic research, applied research, scholarly, and creative activities of our university.

The RSCA Staff Award acknowledges one (1) staff member who demonstrates excellence in support of student and faculty in their research, scholarly and creative activities, making themself indispensable to the success of extracurricular research and creative projects.  Such support may include, but not limited to, technical contributions to the execution of the project or administrative support that is invaluable to the smooth operation of research, scholarly and creative activity programs.



All Staff members, both Foundation and State, who are permanent or probationary, full-time or part-time, are eligible for consideration. We are once again defining stass as the following: "Staff" typically refers to both Foundation and State employees who work in administrative, support, or service positions, such as office staff, program coordinators, lab technicians, and IT personnel. A staff member may be nominated by another person, group, or can be self-nominated. However, those staff members designated as MPP (designated as "management" or "supervisory" under the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act) are ineligible.

The  Distinguished RSCA Staff Award is conducted yearly and is overseen by the Undergraduate Research Faculty Advisory Committee (URFAC). The RSCA staff award nominations are evaluated by committee members and the award recipient recommended to the Chair for URFAC, who makes the final award decision.

Nomincation submission deadline to be added.


The awardee will be announced and recognized at the Scholar Recognition Ceremony in April.


The nomination should be submitted online. Faculty members, staff, and students are highly encouraged to nominate worthy candidates who have made substantial contributions to their research and creative endeavors.

Please direct your questions to the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR-CPP).