Current Students

Choose an advisor
The MHR Department suggests that students see an MHR faculty advisor of their choice at least twice per year. Changes are made from year to year in the courses offered by the university and in various departments. Faculty advisors can help students develop petitions for deviation from prescribed requirements in cases where it would benefit the students. Your advisor can be helpful to you in the following ways:
- Helping to explore career choices and aspirations, and offering career guidance.
- Providing assistance in matching the curriculum as closely as possible to your needs, based on your accomplishments and unique career goals.
- Scheduling the specific courses most appropriate for achieving your career goals.
- Minimizing the number of courses that have to be taken, especially for transfer students.
- Offering guidance for sequencing courses in the best way.
- Providing referrals to other faculty with expertise in particular areas.
- And finally, establishing ties to faculty who wish to continue being helpful in the future.
Choose an advisor in Management, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship or Not-for-Profit, depending on your choice of Career Goal Elective Programs, even if that choice is tentative.
See the advisor list and office hours
Alternative Career Goal Elective Programs are displayed on the back of your curriculum (“yellow”) sheet, copies of which are always available in the MHR Department Office, Building 164, Room 3064, or they may be printed from the Curriculum links of this website. Advisors are listed by their fields on the MHR Department bulletin board, just outside the office, along with their office hours. You may change advisors as you find teaching mentors with whom you wish to work.
Transfer students
Transfer students should meet with an advisor during Student Orientation prior to their first quarter, or as soon as possible thereafter, to determine which MHR curriculum requirements have been fulfilled by courses already taken. If you are a transfer student, you will have received a copy of the MHR curriculum sheet related to your year of entry showing those Cal Poly Pomona courses for which you have been given credit because you have already taken equivalent courses elsewhere. It is important to verify that you have been given maximum credit for courses that you are transferring in. Current copies of the articulation agreements between Cal Poly Pomona and local junior colleges are available on the Web. Click here!
Credit for a Cal Poly Pomona course is indicated by the “x-ing out” of the 4 units for the Cal Poly course with, usually, a “4-1/2” written in its place. This is because the 3 semester units earned at a community college are equivalent to 4-1/2 quarter units on our campus, which is on the quarter (not semester) system. Your advisor will determine whether the extra 1/2 units accumulated for a number of such courses can be applied to satisfy any other MHR requirements. While not always possible, we shall make every effort to put to good use all the units that you earned before enrolling at Cal Poly Pomona.
Transfer students will probably see a number of courses listed in the middle column of the front of the curriculum sheet. These courses have been deliberately placed there by the person who evaluated your prior academic work so that an MHR advisor can determine how these courses should be used. Another good reason for you to see your advisor soon!
Grad check
When you have 10 or fewer courses left, you're ready for a grad check and registration priority. Beginning in winter 2010, graduation checks for students in the College of Business Administration will be done automatically. Students do not have to complete a Request for Graduation Check form.
Class forecast
The MHR curriculum provides wide latitude for students to choose MHR electives related to their career interests. The best students “plan ahead” rather than simply taking courses based on their availability. Planning is especially important as students become seniors, because many courses are taught less frequently than course offerings that include students from other majors. In order to facilitate multiple-quarter planning, the Division of Academic Affairs publishes an annual forecast of courses indicating which courses will be taught each quarter, and whether daytime or evening sections of special offerings are planned. Click to see the MHR projected courses schedule.
Final Exams Schedules
For final exam schedules and other information, please visit the Registrar's Office Calendar.