Student Clubs

Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization
The Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO) is a student-run club at Cal Poly Pomona.
We invite you to join the CEO club if you are considering
- connecting with a group of entrepreneurially-minded and fun CPP students across campus.
- starting your business one day.
- developing your creativity and entrepreneurial mindset.
- starting or improving your side hustle.
- working or finding an internship at a startup or a small business soon.
- taking your family business to the next level.
MyBar link (for Cal Poly students to become a club member)

Professionals in Human Resources Association
Founded in 1994, the Cal Poly Pomona Professionals in Human Resources Association (CPP PIHRA) is a non-profit student organization dedicated to the field of Human Resource Management. We are a SHRM and PIHRA Student Chapter that offers various opportunities for all members to become more educated in Human Resources. Members can participate in the many professional activities we plan every year, including community service outings, socials, fundraisers, seminars, workshops, and presentations.
MyBar link (for Cal Poly students to become a club member)