
Current Students

Advising Tools

Curriculum sheets and road maps are designed to assist students and their advisors. Curriculum sheets list the core and support courses required for a particular major and suggest general education classes that will result in the most efficient path to a degree in that major. Road maps are a semester-by-semester plan of the courses required for a particular major, and also include reminders and major-specific advice.

View current and previous years' curriculum sheets and road maps.

All Advising Holds - Are Now Removed by the College of Business, Student Success Center. Please see their website for Business Hours.

To determine your academic standing, please refer to the Office of Student Success, Equity and Innovation's website.

Accounting Faculty Career Advisors

Advisors are available during office hours and by appointment

All tenured and tenure-track accounting faculty are Career advisors. The following is a list of faculty advisors:

Magdy Farag

Office: 164-2064A
Ext: 2369

Nancy Fan

Students with Last Name starting with E - H

Office: 164-2092
Ext: 2391

Mohamed Gomaa

Students with Last Name starting with I -L

Office: 164-2081
Ext: 2374

Mary Im

Students with Last Name starting with M - P

Office: 164-2087
Ext: 2918

Fei Kang

Students with Last Name starting with Q - S

Office: 164-2082
Ext: 4539

Meihua Koo

MSA Coordinator

Office: 164-2084
Ext: 4531

Joonho Lee

Students with Last Name starting with T - V

Office: 164-2090
Ext: 4597

Vic Lee

Students with Last Name starting with W - Z

Office: 164-2080

Rose Martin

Internship Director

Office: 164-2083
Ext: 2376

Students are urged to consult a faculty advisor for all career advising questions or personal difficulties, especially at the beginning of your academic program at Cal Poly Pomona.

College of Business Administration Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC) in Building 164, Room 1060, is designed to help all CBA majors by: (1) providing Academic Advising and removal of Advising Holds, (2) Academic Curriculum roadmps and general information, (3) assisting in the completion/processing of various university forms (e.g., general academic petitions, drop petitions), and (4) maintaining a supply of most university petitions and forms. Please visit the SSC website for business hours.