
Change of Major

As of Fall 2016, the Accounting Major has become an impacted major and requires that all students who have entered the university with an undeclared major and students wishing to change from other degree programs to accounting, must  attend a Change of Major Meeting. Students must have a Cal Poly GPA of 2.5 and have completed the following courses with a grade of C or better: COM 1100 or COM 2204, ENG 1103, MAT 1250 and STA 1200.

Change of Major Petitions for the accounting major are done online at the Registrar’s Forms Page (within the "Registrar/Records Forms" accordion). Please note, your application will be denied if any of the above pre-requisites have not been met or you did not attend a Change of Major meeting.

Change of Major Meeting

Next meeting: Spring 2025

Date: Feb 11, 2025 (Tuesday)

Time: 12pm - 12:50pm

Location: Building 163 room 2020

This meeting is mandatory for students who would like to change their major to Accounting. If you are interested in attending the next meeting, please sign up here: Spring 2025 Sign-up Form.

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Ellie Foo: with your full name and BroncoID.