Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Frequently Asked Questions

Counseling and Psychological Services offers in person and virtual appointments.  If you are a currently enrolled student seeking support or services from CAPS please let us know by calling us at 909-869-3220.


No, it is not. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is often confused with academic counseling. If you are seeking academic assistance, you should contact The Bronco Advising Center.

CAPS can only provide support letters for withdrawal or retroactive withdrawal to past/current clients who have been actively involved in treatment or services at CAPS. We are not able to provide support letters to students who have never been clients at CAPS.

CAPS is located in Building 66, the Bronco Bookstore Building, Room 116. View a map

Even though some students are nervous at first about joining a workshop or group, many discover that it is the best approach for their particular concerns. Workshops are designed to provide innovative, strengths-based, practical interventions to help you learn tools and coping strategies to deal with your thoughts, feelings, and life circumstances. Workshops may also help you reflect more on what you want to get out of therapy.

Group counseling is a form of counseling in which a small number of people meet together under the guidance of professionally trained therapists to experience growth and change in one’s life. In groups, one can share common problems, safely interact with others, learn about oneself, and help others learn about themselves. Each semester a new list of workshops or groups is available at CAPS.

Seeking counseling is a private and confidential process. Information disclosed in counseling may not be revealed to anyone outside of CAPS without your written permission, unless there is an immediate safety issue. 

Standards, such as HIPAA compliance, continue to guide best practices even in remote working conditions. Counselors will also consider the implications of Executive Orders impacting laws and procedures for clinical practice in the State of California (e.g., EO N-43-20) that impact consent, confidentiality, and best practices guidelines under “good faith” provisions.

To be eligible, Cal Poly Pomona students must be enrolled during the semester they receive counseling services. All counseling services are offered at no charge to enrolled Cal Poly Pomona students and are funded by the mandatory student health fee.

Although family and friends can be a source of support, their relationships with you can make it difficult for them to provide unbiased feedback. When personal issues interfere with your ability to concentrate and succeed in college, professional counseling can offer an unbiased perspective, support, guidance, and access to resources as you develop new skills, explore options, and solve problems.

The Counseling and Psychological Services staff are a culturally diverse group of highly qualified mental health professionals including licensed doctoral-level psychologists, licensed marriage and family therapists, and a wellbeing coach. Counselors are also fluent in Spanish and Vietnamese. 

You may begin the counseling process by Scheduling a Screening to determine your individual needs and treatment plan. Intake screening appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis and fill up quite quickly. To schedule your intake screening appointment, you may contact us at (909) 869-3220 or stop by our office. View map.

Please contact and we will do our best to accommodate you. We encourage students, staff, and faculty to let us know what topics they would like to explore. Please submit all requests at least 3 weeks in advance.


