Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS Values, Vision, and Mission

CAPS Values

Student Centered

  • Focus on student's needs clinically and administratively.
  • Be responsive to campus community needs.


  • Be committed to professional ethics.
  • be trustworthy and accountable (follow through and do what we say).


  • Help clients make connections in their lives and on campus.
  • Be visible (intentionally reach out and get involved with campus departments, faculty, and staff through Campus Relations and outreach efforts).


  • Express excitement for and belief in every aspect of what we do.
  • Share that enthusiasm with the campus community.


  • Be dedicated, well-trained, and effective clinicians.
  • Make every effort to ensure our services are excellent.


  • Reflect it in our staffing.
  • Honour it in our therapy and outreach/connections on campus.


CAPS Vision Statement

Counseling and Psychological Services seeks to inspire the CalPolyPomona community to be a working and learning environment where every student has access to cutting edge, effective treatment interventions, and healing relationships that respond to each individual's unique needs; moving students closer to their highest potential where personal, interpersonal, and systemic wellness are integrated at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.


CAPS Mission Statement

The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at CalPolyPomona is to advance student success by promoting community wellness, removing psychological barriers, facilitating self-awareness, and cultivating the personal strengths of CalPolyPomona students through culturally relevant mental health services designed to transform their personal, social, and academic lives.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) utilizes a customized and equity-based approach that allows the department to adjust the type, duration, and frequency of services that students receive based on their intersecting factors, such as:

  • A student's presenting concerns/problems.
  • A student's mental health, psychosocial, and treatment history.
  • A student's sociocultural background and identity.
  • A student's ability to access off-campus services in the context of their health insurance coverage, financial resources, familial support, geographic location, etc.
  • CAPS' clinical capacity at the time a student is seeking services.

