Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE)

Getting Started With AI

Demystifying Generative AI: A Guide for Educators

This website explores the exciting world of generative artificial intelligence (gAI) and its applications in education. We'll delve into the fundamentals of AI, unpack key terms, and equip you with the knowledge to harness gAI's potential to enhance your teaching and learning experiences.

This is just the beginning of your gAI exploration journey. As the technology evolves, the possibilities for education are limitless. Stay tuned for further resources and tutorials to help you leverage the power of gAI in your teaching practice!

Artificial intelligence, a term coined in 1955 by John McCarthy, refers to the development of intelligent machines capable of mimicking human cognitive functions. While the field has seen significant advancements, the concept of achieving true "artificial general intelligence" – machines replicating the full spectrum of human intelligence – is still under debate.

Generative AI is a subfield of AI focused on creating new content, such as text, images, and code. Unlike traditional AI that analyzes existing data, gAI utilizes algorithms to generate entirely new outputs. This opens doors for personalized learning, interactive content creation, and innovative teaching methods. 

  • Instructors and Staff: gAI can automate tasks like grading essays, providing personalized feedback, and generating instructional materials, and streamline administrative tasks like scheduling and student support, freeing up precious time to focus on deeper student engagement and success. 
  • Students: gAI-powered tools can personalize learning paths, offer instant feedback, and create immersive simulations for a more interactive and engaging learning experience. 

  • Large Language Model (LLM): A powerful AI model trained on massive amounts of text data, enabling it to generate human-quality text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. 
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): A subfield of AI that enables computers to understand and process human language. This is crucial for gAI systems to interpret prompts and generate meaningful outputs. 
  • Neural Networks: Inspired by the structure of the human brain, neural networks are a collection of interconnected nodes that process information to learn and make predictions. These are the backbone of many gAI models. 
  • Prompt Engineering: The art of crafting clear and concise instructions for a gAI system. 

Prompt engineering plays a critical role in maximizing the effectiveness of gAI tools. A well-crafted prompt acts like a blueprint for the AI, guiding it towards the desired output. Here's a breakdown of the key components: 

  • Role: Who are you taking on in the prompt (e.g., teacher, student, historical figure)? 
  • Instruction (or Task): What do you want the AI to do (e.g., write a poem, summarize a topic, create a dialogue)? 
  • Question: Are you asking the AI a specific question to answer? 
  • Context: Providing background information can help the AI understand the situation. 
  • Input Data: Is there any additional data the AI should consider (e.g., specific keywords, references)? 
  • Output Format: Specifying the desired format (e.g., essay, list, code snippet) helps guide the AI's response.

✅ Good Prompt Example: "Role: Teacher, Instruction: Create a multiple-choice quiz on the French Revolution for a high school history class, Context: Focus on key events and figures." 

❌ Bad Prompt Example: "Write something about the French Revolution." (This is too vague and lacks clear instructions.) 

Exploring Popular Generative AI Chatbots

Here's a table comparing some well-known generative AI chatbots:

Chatbot Name



Faculty Use Cases

Student Use Cases

Privacy Policies

Gemini (Google) 

  • Free access available. 

Large language model for text generation, translation, and question answering. 

  • Generate creative writing prompts, lesson plans, and discussion questions. 
  • Answer student inquiries 24/7 on factual topics. 
  • Research and writing assistance. 
  • Summarize complex topics. 
  • Generate creative writing ideas. 

Gemini Apps Privacy Hub 

Claude (Anthropic) 

  • Free access available. 

Large language model focused on safety, reliability, and alignment with human values. 

  • Explore potential uses of gAI chatbots in education research. 
  • Develop prompts and test cases for safe and ethical gAI use. 
  • Explore challenging topics with examples and analogies. 
  • Brainstorm creative writing ideas. 

Anthropic’s Privacy Policy 

Copilot (Microsoft) 

  • Free access available. 

AI code completion and suggestion tool for programmers. 

  • Introduce programming concepts with interactive coding exercises. 
  • Help students identify and fix common coding errors. 
  • Improve coding efficiency and productivity. 
  • Explore different coding solutions and approaches. 

Microsoft Privacy Statement 

ChatGPT (OpenAI) 

  • Free access available. 

Large language model known for its creative text generation capabilities. 

  • Generate creative writing prompts and story ideas. 
  • Simulate open ended discussions or debates in online courses. 
  • Brainstorm creative writing ideas. 
  • Practice communication and argumentation skills in a safe environment. 

OpenAI’s Privacy Policy 

  • Free access available. 

AI writing assistant with a focus on long-form content and creative writing. 

  • Generate outlines and introductions for long research papers. 
  • Provide students with feedback on writing style and clarity. 
  • Overcome writer's block and get started on writing assignments. 
  • Improve writing style and flow in long-form content. 

Perplexity's Privacy Policy 

