Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE)

Faculty Samples

This page serves as a platform for Cal Poly Pomona faculty to exchange and uncover cutting-edge teaching and learning resources related to AI instruction. Delve into a curated selection of sample assignments, classroom guidelines, and stimulating prompts shared by your peers. Our aim is for these materials to spark your creativity in weaving generative AI tools into your curriculum, thereby enriching student learning and participation.

NOTE: As our website is in the early stages, you might notice that examples of faculty work are not yet available. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we diligently gather and curate content to enrich your experience with us.

Do you have insightful content you’d like to share with your peers?
Submit your contributions to us. We’re eager to showcase your work.

AI Classroom Policies

Classroom policies focusing on fair and ethical use of generative AI from your colleagues for fostering a productive and positive learning environment.

The following are sample syllabus policy statement excerpts from CAFE’s Fall 2024 Syllabus Packet.

Generative AI use not allowed

Work in this class is expected to be entirely the product of your own effort and learning. Therefore, the use of generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Grammarly, and all other such) are not permitted in this class, since such work is not entirely your own. The use of unauthorized AI tools will result in a failing grade for the assignment, with more severe penalties possible in consultation with Student Conduct. You are expected and encouraged to talk to me [the instructor] if you have any questions.

Generative AI use not allowed unless specifically stated as allowed

Generative artificial intelligence (gAI) tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Grammarly, etc., are not allowed in this class unless the specific assignment clearly states that gAI use is allowed. Certain assignments in this course will permit or encourage the use of specific gAI tools in specific ways. gAI use must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. The use of unauthorized AI tools will result in a failing grade for the assignment, with more severe penalties possible in consultation with Student Conduct. You are expected and encouraged to talk to me [the instructor] if you have any questions.

Generative AI use allowed unless specifically stated as not allowed

The use of Generative artificial intelligence (gAI) tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Grammarly, etc., is allowed in this class with detailed acknowledgement and description of its use, unless the specific assignment clearly states that gAI use is not allowed. ALL gAI use must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. The use of unacknowledged AI tools will result in a failing grade for the assignment, with more severe penalties possible in consultation with Student Conduct.

Some assignments in this class will specifically disallow or forbid the use of gAI tools because the work for those assignments must be entirely the product of your own effort and learning. For these assignments, the use of unauthorized AI tools will result in a failing grade for the assignment, with more severe penalties possible in consultation with Student Conduct.

You are expected and encouraged to talk to me [the instructor] if you have any questions about a particular assignment or if your citations of AI tool use are adequate.

Generative AI use fully allowed with citation

The use of Generative artificial intelligence (gAI) tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, Grammarly, etc., is allowed in this class with detailed acknowledgement and description of its use. ALL usage of gAI tools must be disclosed. The use of undisclosed AI tools will result in a failing grade for the assignment, with more severe penalties possible in consultation with Student Conduct.

Sample classroom level policies related to generative AI use for teaching and learning created by Lance Eaton, a writer, educator, faculty developer, instructional designer, and educational consultant in Providence, Rhode Island. This  resource was provided through the AI Tools for Teaching and Learning course offered through the Office of the Chancellor's Office.

Visit resource: Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools

AI Classroom Assignments

A variety of compelling assignments that incorporate AI, spanning various disciplines and educational goals.

This resource is an evolving collection of curated assignments that integrate AI tools from educators around the world.

Visit resource: Curated assignments from educators around the world

A crowsourced collection of lessons from educators in nineteen countries. This resource can help you with ideas for using AI to create learning, development, teaching and assessment opportunities.

Visit resource: 101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education

Sample AI Prompts Used in Courses

Browse through an assortment of prompts crafted by our faculty members, for a multitude of classroom applications such as assessment, feedback, rubric development, and beyond.

We are currently working on gathering sample prompts and will have this resource up soon.

We are currently working on gathering sample prompts and will have this resource up soon.

We are currently working on gathering sample prompts and will have this resource up soon.