Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE)
AGEP Retreat attendees in 2022

About the Retreat


The 2024 Retreat will allow participants to reflect upon their experiences and bring participants from all cohorts together for community-building, networking, and resource sharing.

Here are some quotes from past CSU AGEP Retreat attendees:

“The AGEP Retreat is a collaboration of diverse educators and scholars who share a passion for the advancement of higher education. The networking and fellowship of CSU AGEP faculty personified a collective spirit and commitment to embrace culturally-informed strengths-based practices.”

"My experience at the CSU-AGEP Retreat reflects my expectations of the program based on my previous experience with AGEP: A community of support that will foster my professional growth by highlighting my strengths and provide for the tools I need to use these strengths to make change. I am looking forward to this year!"

“The AGEP Retreat was phenomenal. It allowed me to meet fellow CSU faculty with similar social identities and build a diverse support network. In addition, the Clifton Strengths Program helped me identify how to leverage my strengths to be more effective in my academic job.”

Commitment to respect, justice, equity, and inclusivity for diverse individuals

The CSU AGEP Alliance for Diversity & Strengths of STEM Faculty is committed to creating a sense of belonging and a welcoming community for individuals of all strengths and of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and abilities.

To this end, we encourage everyone involved in the retreat in any way to treat all individuals with kindness, empathy, and understanding. Respect people's boundaries, beliefs, opinions, and cultures. Pay attention to what others say and ask clarifying questions if needed. Avoid interrupting or talking over others. Use inclusive language and avoid making assumptions about others.

If you witness or experience behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please report it immediately to a member of the Retreat team.

Please see the CSU’s systemwide policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment and retaliation, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.

Recommended dress and personal gear

Your comfort is the most important consideration – appear as you wish! In general, the Retreat will be on the casual end of business casual, with just a touch dressier for our final celebration dinner on Wednesday, July 10th.

Bring your personal laptop and/or other devices along with power supply (ample electrical outlets will be available).

Bring your re-usable travel mug, re-fillable water bottle, etc. We would like to reduce plastic and paper waste as much as possible.

See the Asilomar Activities page for information about weather, activities, and so forth that can help you prepare. Remember this is a beach climate.

Covid and other health & safety policies

The CSU AGEP Alliance for Diversity and Strengths of STEM Faculty is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all participants. Upon arriving at the Retreat, you will be able to select a name tag that indicates whether you prefer social distance or welcome closer proximity to others.

The responsibility for a safe and healthy event environment (Duty of Care) is shared among the Alliance and every participant. Our policies* are guided by the requirements and recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and federal, state, and local health authorities.

  • In alignment with the CSU COVID-19 Vaccination and Safety Measure Policy, all students and employees accessing the campus are strongly recommended to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines. 
  • Masks are not required indoors, but are recommended and encouraged at individuals’ discretion

As part of your Duty of Care responsibilities, you should not attend the retreat in person if you:

  • Experience, or have experienced within the five days prior, ongoing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 that cannot be attributed to something else.
  • Believe that you may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 within the previous five days even if you do not have symptoms. 
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19 and the CDC recommends your continued isolation or quarantine based on your symptomatology.

Once at the meeting, attendees should self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. If you experience symptoms, immediately isolate yourself from other attendees and test for COVID-19. 

Please note that by attending, you agree to adhere to the precautions and policies above and understand that you are knowingly and freely assuming all risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, by attending this event. 

*All policies are subject to change based on updated information.  Participants will be notified of such changes.

Please send questions or concerns to the Retreat team: Dawn A. Fuller (, Jane L. Lehr (, April Dawn (, Camille P. O'Bryant (, Philip Vieira (, and Daniel J. Almeida (


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants: 1916046, 1916050, 1916054 and 1916056. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented are only those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.