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Club and Organization Toolkit

2025 Spring Registration

Organizations that participate in Spring 2025 Registration are working towards becoming recognized as an organization August 2025 - June 2026. This process is for new clubs, councils, continuing clubs, organizations, and academic year Fraternity and Sorority organizations.

Calendar Year Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations should be utilizing the Fall 2025 Registration.


Registered Clubs & Organizations promote themselves across the campus community.

Three workshops provided on Zoom, to students interested in creating new clubs. Club name/type are discussed. If you have been inactive for more than two years, you must also attend this meeting. Check the Bronco Leadership Center events page ( Dates are also announced through MyBAR messages as well as 

Proposals indicate a commitment to register and names of Eboard members & advisor(s). This information submitted on the form via MyBAR will remain in throughout registration process to allow space for changes.

Each executive board member will receive an email directly from Gallup with instructions to take the PolyStrengths Assessment.  Completion is mandatory and must be done by May 10th. Emails are sent weekly. If your proposal has been submitted and you have not received an email from Gallup within a week, please check your junk folder. If you are unable to locate it, please email

Proposals indicate a commitment to register and names Eboard members & advisor(s). This information submitted on the form via MyBAR will remain in throughout registration process to allow space for changes. 

Each executive board member will receive an email directly from Gallup with instructions to take the PolyStrengths Assessment.  Completion is mandatory and must be done by May 10th. Emails are sent weekly. If your proposal has been submitted and you have not received an email from Gallup within a week, please check your junk folder. If you are unable to locate it, please email

Bylaws are submitted and reviewed, approved, or denied, based on accuracy. Submit early! Your bylaws may need several rounds of reviews, and delaying bylaw submission may result in you not being able to move on to the next step. Please refer to sample bylaws, use mandatory language: 2025 Sample Bylaws and Instructions (DOCX File)

Bylaws are submitted and reviewed, approved, or denied, based on accuracy. Submit early! Your bylaws may need several rounds of reviews, and delaying bylaw submission may result in you not being able to move on to the next step.

Each executive board member will receive an email directly from Gallup with instructions to take the PolyStrengths Assessment.  Completion is mandatory and must be done by May 10th. Emails are sent weekly. If your proposal has been submitted and you have not received an email from Gallup within a week, please check your junk folder. If you are unable to locate it, please email

New Club president, treasurer, authorized signer, scheduler, and advisor(s) and councils gain access to designated workshops. Complete all assigned workshops.

Councils submit a registration form and are reviewed by the Bronco Leadership Center. On your council MyBAR page, go to "manage organization." If you are eligible for re-registration there will be a button the manage organization page to start the form.

Incoming Club president, treasurer, authorized signer, scheduler, and advisor(s) are provided access to designated workshops. Complete all assigned workshops.

New, continuing, and reviving club submit a registration form and are reviewed by the Bronco Leadership Center. On your council MyBAR page, go to "manage organization." If you are eligible for re-registration there will be a button the manage organization page to start the form.

Registered Clubs & Organizations can request space on campus. Please allow 1 week to gain access after being registrant. Review the Event Planning page and FAQs if you have questions or do not have access.

Clubs and Organizations can no longer submit a Step 3 form. All pending/denied registrations already submitted before this date will continue to be processed.

Registered Clubs & Organizations can promote themselves to the campus community.

Registration forms/packets are reviewed from June 1 until September 10.

During this period is when the Bronco Leadership Center checks eligibility of presidents, treasurers, schedulers, ensure your bylaws are up-to-date, check that each person completed all your workshops, and that you have five members.

During peak registration periods, it may take up to ten (10) business days to process your entire registration packet. 

Any organizations still in pending or denied status will no longer be able to resubmit for registrations after this date.

BLC performs an audit to ensure that listed officers (Presidents, Treasurers, and Schedulers) meet eligibility requirements: 

2.0 Term GPA and Cumulative GPA

Completed one academic term

Currently taking units (6 Undergrad/3 Grad)

Student Conduct clearance

Presidents: update your MyBAR roster to ensure it lists 5 members, and you have invited your Treasurer, Scheduler, and Advisor into their respective positions. On your manage organization page, go to documents to upload your newest bylaws.

Treasurers, Schedulers, and Advisors: visit your MyBAR Invitations page to ensure you have accepted membership into the organization.

2025 Fall Registration

Organizations that participate in Fall 2025 Registration are working towards becoming recognized as an organization January 2026 - June 2026. This process is for new clubs, councils, continuing clubs, organizations, and calendar year Fraternity and Sorority organizations.

Academic Year Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations should be utilizing the Spring 2025 Registration.

Calendar Year Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations can use this timeline to be recognized for January 2026-December 2026.


Three workshops provided on Zoom, to students interested in creating new clubs. Club name/type are discussed. If you have been inactive for more than two years, you must also attend this meeting. Check the Bronco Leadership Center events page ( Dates are also announced through MyBAR messages as well as 

Proposals submitted for new clubs or organizations. Submissions to the Step 1 form remain in “Pending” status during course of registration process, in order to update, if needed.

Proposals submitted for continuing clubs or organizations. Submissions to the Step 1 form remain in “Pending” status during course of registration process, in order to update, if needed.

Bylaws are submitted and reviewed, approved, or denied, based on accuracy. Submit early! Your bylaws may need several rounds of reviews, and delaying bylaw submission may result in you not being able to move on to the next step. Please refer to sample bylaws, use mandatory language: 2025 Sample Bylaws and Instructions (DOCX File)

Bylaws are submitted and reviewed, approved, or denied, based on accuracy. Submit early! Your bylaws may need several rounds of reviews, and delaying bylaw submission may result in you not being able to move on to the next step

President, treasurer, authorized signer, scheduler, and advisor(s) are provided access to designated workshops on CPP Learning. 

President, treasurer, authorized signer, scheduler, and advisor(s) are provided access to designated workshops on CPP Learning. 

New, continuing, and reviving club submit a registration form and are reviewed by the Bronco Leadership Center. On your council MyBAR page, go to "manage organization." If you are eligible for re-registration there will be a button the manage organization page to start the form.

Calendar-year FSL submits Proposal and Bylaws for review.

President, treasurer, authorized signers, scheduler, and advisor(s) are provided access to designated workshops on CPP Learning. 

Calendar Year Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations submit a registration form and are reviewed by the Bronco Leadership Center. On your council MyBAR page, go to "manage organization." If you are eligible for re-registration there will be a button the manage organization page to start the form.

Registration forms/packets are reviewed from November 1 until December 15.

During this period is when the Bronco Leadership Center checks eligibility of presidents, treasurers, schedulers, ensure your bylaws are up-to-date, check that each person completed all your workshops, and that you have five members.

During peak registration periods, it may take up to ten (10) business days to process your entire registration packet. 

Any organizations still in pending or denied status will no longer be able to resubmit for registrations after this date.

BLC performs an audit to ensure that listed officers (Presidents, Treasurers, and Schedulers) meet eligibility requirements: 

2.0 Term GPA and Cumulative GPA

Completed one academic term

Currently taking units (6 Undergrad/3 Grad)

Student Conduct clearance

Presidents: update your MyBAR roster to ensure it lists 5 members, and you have invited your Treasurer, Scheduler, and Advisor into their respective positions. On your manage organization page, go to documents to upload your newest bylaws.

Treasurers, Schedulers, and Advisors: visit your MyBAR Invitations page to ensure you have accepted membership into the organization.