CPP Engineering Magazine 2024

A group photo of a teacher and two of his students.

The Little Shop Class That Could

How early career frustrations led a high school teacher to transform a trash heap of a shop class into a life-changing engineering academy.
Mark Pestrella

'You Have the Ability to Kill Somebody for Lack of Caring'

The Enourmouse Responsibility of Every Engineer
Joan Robinson-Berry

'We Serve Because There is No Shortage of Need'

Wise Words for the Next Generation
Lynne Lachenmyer with her scholarship recipients. Left to right: Maria Medina Alva (‘16, industrial engineering), Charisse Garrido (‘14, civil engineering), and Karyna Banuelos (‘17, chemical engineering).

The Gift of Giving

Lynne Lachenmyer led a successful, globe-trotting career and invested in her loved ones’ educations. After all that, she and her husband wondered, “What’s next?”
The Cal Poly Pomona Roots House team behind the home they built.

Built on Belief

Students Defy the Impossible to Make their Passion Project a Reality
Professor Vilupanur Ravi teaching a student how to operate a scanning electron microscope.

‘I Consider Teaching to be a Sacred Profession’

Why, after pouring his life into pioneering research in materials, composites, and metallic alloys, this passionate educator committed the rest of his life’s work to teaching and mentoring students.