Military Credit
Credit for Military Service and Transfer Credit
Credit for military service & Transfer credit
6 semester units of elective credit will be allowed toward a baccalaureate degree for a student with an honorable discharge from U.S. military service who submits evidence of satisfactory completion. 3 of the 6 semester units will be applied toward General Education Area E.
An additional 9 semester units of elective credit will be allowed toward graduation to any student submitting evidence of receiving a commission in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps. Credit is not given for completion of the six-month reserve training programs or for college level general educational development tests.
Credit for specific courses may be allowed if the student has satisfactorily completed equivalent study in a military service school. The guidelines of the American Council on Education are followed in determining eligibility and approval must be granted by the department teaching the specific course for which credit is sought.
Articulation agreements for military courses with American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations are published through the Transfer Evaluation System. These articulation agreements outline specific course credit to be awarded for certain courses taken while in the military. To receive credit, student veterans must first submit an official military transcript to the Registrar's Office. Student veterans may be eligible for additional course credit. For more information, please read the Transfer Credit Guide for Veterans (Semester) PDF.